Coureurs gezocht!
Voor twee prive series zijn we op zoek naar Nederlandse coureurs die mee willen doen.
Voor de versus series hebben we 10 coureurs nodig waarvan er 5 onder de 25 jaar zijn. Momenteel hebben we hier 6 aanmeldingen voor. (waarvan 3 junioren)
Voor ...
on 2018-12-30 16:26:04 by Pollie
Лайки: 4
Рейтинг: 7.01)
Tallageda 500
Na twee uitvalbeurten is Raymond van de Pol tijdens de
Tallageda 500 weer aan de finish gekomen. dit keer als 12e. Helaas zat er niet meer in.
on 2018-12-30 16:23:06 by Pollie
Лайки: 0
Рейтинг: 0.00)
F3 Masters Season 30 Preview
Just a quick preview before the lights go out...
3rd season of the F3 Masters is going to get underway tonight and every season it gets more competitive ever and ever, drivers come and go and we got drivers who have been there since the start and ...
on 2018-12-30 15:13:01 by ThatFPM8Guy
Лайки: 12
Рейтинг: 20.55)
Marko Zupančič zapušča Formulo 2
Marko Zupančič bo po še eni povprečni sezoni ponovno zamenjal okolje, saj se po samo eni sezoni v Formuli 2 vrača nazaj v nemško prvenstvo turnih avtomobilov. Tam je nastopal že v sezonah 25 in 26, ko je obakrat osvojil deveto mesto, štirikrat pa je ...
on 2018-12-30 11:29:51 by gripy
Лайки: 6
Рейтинг: 11.27)
S3 Crazy Canuck: Down Under U23
We are going to New Zealand!
Only 3 Coins!!
Only 30 seats available.
Prize $$ for the top 5 finishers.
Prize $$ increase after the first 20 seats are occupied.
Quick flight down to the land of OZ, 4 races.
New tires at every race, 2 pra...
on 2018-12-30 00:57:05 by WilieEthelbertCoyote
Лайки: 3
Рейтинг: 5.39)
Formula 1: pogled v sezono 31
Sezona 30 se počasi izteka in vsa moštva so že podpisala pogodbe z dirkači za naslednjo sezono. Čas je, da pogledamo kdo bo vozil kje v sezoni 31.
V primerjavi z sezono 30 tokrat ne bo toliko sprememb saj je kar 6 ekip podaljšalo pogodbo z obema d...
on 2018-12-29 14:06:15 by torbar4life
Лайки: 3
Рейтинг: 5.56)
Formula 1: Driver Lineup for Season 31
With only three races left, this Formula 1 season is coming to a close, so it's time we take a look as who will drive where in season 31.
While there were a lot of transfer before season 30, next season will look a lot more familiar to Formula 1 f...
on 2018-12-28 08:42:42 by torbar4life
Лайки: 24
Рейтинг: 44.93)
Magyar Nemzeti Kupa III jelentkezés
A mai naptól lehet jelentkezni a szezon 70. napján induló, magyaroknak rendezett kupasorozat 3. felvonására! Ha akár itthoni, vagy külföldön élő magyarként részt akarsz venni, ebben a részletes cikkben minden fontos információt megtalálsz hozzá.
on 2018-12-27 14:41:04 by Boczy
Лайки: 3
Рейтинг: 5.43)
Pohár národů S30 8.týden "vzhůru do boje"
No já teda vlastně nemám tušáka co se děje. Jsem a budu ještě pár dní bezmyšlenkovitě chodit vynčovat po domech.
Takže to tak vypadá že čučíme zatím na čtvrtém fleku. Před nama kukám je dobrá Brazilská káva, Italské presíčko a posypová sůl v po...
on 2018-12-27 12:48:09 by Ludwei
Лайки: 11
Рейтинг: 20.65)
Congratz, Foyt!!
Aaron set the bar for USA MRC community by achieving the highest rating by a US driver: 4,429.082.
GL with your next driver, Terry!
on 2018-12-27 09:08:19 by Lee1950
Лайки: 4
Рейтинг: 7.68)
Carmona Eyes Top 5 End To NASC Canada Series
Steven Carmona has come a long way. At the beginning of the NASC Canada Series season, Carmona had led laps at Canadian Tire Motorsports Park before crashing out of the lead. It was his first start, and his only DNF to date.
In fact, Carmona has f...
on 2018-12-26 22:57:12 by thelegend54
Лайки: 4
Рейтинг: 6.54)
NEW rookie driver Larry Beck aged 18 will be joining world GT at aged 19
Hello everyone I am back.
Larry Beck is averaging around 19.5 place finishing and 1 DNF, 129 starts in racing.
the new team is called United States Of Europe Motorsports started in Late 2018, but first race will in early 2019.
on 2018-12-26 01:00:17 by MichaelJones1
Лайки: 4
Рейтинг: 7.70)
Richmond 400 II
Raymond van de Pol heeft geprobeerd alles uit de
Richmond 400 II te halen wat er in zat. maar helaas was dat niet meer dan de 12e plaats
on 2018-12-25 12:49:33 by Pollie
Лайки: 0
Рейтинг: 0.00)
Merry Christmas to all!
During this time of year most of us are thankful to our friends and family. Mainly just to have spent this time together. No matter your beliefs we all have our special time with our special ones. I would just like to wish all a Merry Christmas and ...
on 2018-12-25 04:07:08 by TerryWilson
Лайки: 5
Рейтинг: 9.38)
Classificação após 08/10 corridas
1º Jose Carlos Pace, 148 pontos
2º Roger Relâmpago, 145 pontos
3º Rafael Drummond, 143 pontos
4º Luiz Thomazini, 136 pontos
5º Bruno Correa, 124 pontos
6º Tony Hoffmann, 112 pontos
7º Asdrubal Pinto, 110 pontos
8º Alex Reis, 98 pont...
on 2018-12-25 01:01:28 by jeansapia
Лайки: 3
Рейтинг: 5.69)