Raymond van de Pol maakt overstap naar WTCS
Nog een keer knallen op hoog niveau. Zo luide het antwoord van Raymond van de Pol op de vraag waarom hij overstapt naar het WTCS. na een paar seizoenen ETCS waagt hij nu de stap buiten Europa.
Voor de eerste wedstrijden in Marokko is al een specia...
on 2019-11-12 23:27:43 by Pollie
Лайки: 5
Рейтинг: 8.80)
Primera Temporada de Enrique Cifuentes
Fantástica primera temporada de Enrique Cifuentes en MRC. El joven de 18 años (ahora 19) comenzó su primera temporada en MRC inscribiéndose en la Serie de los Novatos. Sin ninguna pretensión y con la sola intención de aprender a conducir un monoplaza...
on 2019-11-12 23:17:36 by WarpER
Лайки: 9
Рейтинг: 15.24)
Goble announces retirement, farewell tours
SEPANG, MALAYSIA – Jonathan Goble will be hanging up the helmet after an impressive 18-year career. The former #1 and current #2 ranked driver in the United States announced at a press conference at his final race of the season at Sepang that the upc...
on 2019-11-12 22:26:48 by jcgoble3
Лайки: 23
Рейтинг: 41.20)
F2: D. Atelšek to defend his F2 title
As you may know, Slovenian driver Dare Atelšek won F2 World series title few days ago.
In short press conference he confirmed his intention to defend his title in season 35. That will be his 3rd full season in the series and his goal is to win the s...
on 2019-11-12 15:44:48 by Darac
Лайки: 11
Рейтинг: 20.40)
End Of The Road For James Dangelo
James Dangelo has hung up his helmet.
"I don't feel I'm improving and it's time to move on."
His future plans may involve working on an electric sprint-car style series, or opening a driving school.
on 2019-11-12 03:20:54 by JamesDAngelo
Лайки: 3
Рейтинг: 5.78)
Titolo Rookie 34 Sfuggito....
Ciao Nino Conte. Abbiamo visto i tuoi risultati come prima stagione nella Rookie Series diciamo niente male cosa ne pensi del risultato finale? Vorrei fare i miei complimenti al pilota spagnolo Cifuentes lui e' stato un temibile rivale, avevo sperato...
on 2019-11-11 21:01:36 by metroid8
Лайки: 1
Рейтинг: 1.76)
Pohár národů S34 10.týden- Jateční drama pokračuje"
Jateční drama pokračuje. Stále jsme na 6.místě, ale u nás krása střídá nádheru, takže to hravě dotáhneme na bedňajza :-D No to už nevím. Nic méně pro pár smolienterů ve výsledcích to nebylo špatné sokolíci. Kukajte kdo kde zajel vlastně?
on 2019-11-11 19:43:57 by Ludwei
Лайки: 7
Рейтинг: 12.93)
Giovani talenti italiani: Enzo Maffo
Benvenuti nella rubrica Giovani talenti italiani nella quale i migliori talenti italiani risponderanno alle nostre domande.
E' la volta del 18enne Enzo Maffo (Jr.), piazzatosi 13esimo alla sua prima stagione nelle Rookie Series. Un buon piazzamen...
on 2019-11-11 14:44:17 by AlessioAlek
Лайки: 6
Рейтинг: 9.57)
Katastrophales Saisonende
Insgesamt drei Totalausfälle zum Saisonende, (einem im 2ten Rennen in Oschersleben, sowie der beiden letzten Rennen am Hockenheimring) haben Michael Wittmann den Gesamtsieg in der German F3 Series gekostet. Nach seiner bisher besten Saison musste Mic...
on 2019-11-11 11:30:20 by Tom32ms
Лайки: 4
Рейтинг: 6.87)
Atelšek osvojil F2 prvenstvo!
V zadnji dirkaški vikend v Interlagosu je Atelšek vstošil s prednostjo 27 točk.
Že na kvalifikacijah je Atelšek postavil 2. čas in se s tem že rahlo približal temu, da bi osvojil prvenstvo že v petek.
Kljub tem, da je Atelšek šel v dirko rahlo bolj...
on 2019-11-11 10:04:13 by Darac
Лайки: 6
Рейтинг: 11.50)
Life Begins at 40
At least that's what people say. It's certainly proven to be true for ex-Ford F1 driver and NASC Gold Cup winner Jackson Storm, who two days before his 41st Birthday tied up the British F3 Series for himself after some stiff competition from fellow ...
on 2019-11-11 03:52:01 by Wresdan
Лайки: 6
Рейтинг: 11.57)
RED BULL VAILLANTE F1 : Bilan de la saison 34 et perspectives pour la saison 35
L'équipe de MRC Mag a rencontré le manager de l'équipe française de F1, Red Bull, afin d'obtenir quelques petites informations sur l'avenir de l'équipe.
MRCMag : JordanF1, la saison 34 s'achève sur un résultat mitigé pour l'équipe. Une troisième p...
on 2019-11-10 21:39:18 by JordanF1
Лайки: 4
Рейтинг: 7.78)
Mack Spectacularly Fails, Outlines Retirement Plan
90% doesn't cut it in this sport, and after what was looking set to be a phenomenal year for British Indy racer Mack Zaggro, who was set to comfortably collect shiny silverware for finishing runner up in the Championship, the 30 year old instead foun...
on 2019-11-10 21:05:26 by Adamski
Лайки: 9
Рейтинг: 17.21)
ETCS Barcelona
Een overwinning in de laatste race van het ETCS seizoen heeft raymond van de Pol net niet genoeg opgeleverd. De top 3 in de eindstand werd op een aantal punten gemist. 4e is op zich een redelijk resultaat maar er was ingezet op de titel.
on 2019-11-10 19:33:48 by Pollie
Лайки: 1
Рейтинг: 1.71)
F3 season series are winnable for young drivers!
Early this season managers wrote few article chronicling the need for change in who is allowed in Season series for f3. My driver Tex Cobb entered at 21 with 988 rating. By everyone standards he would be ok in F3 major series. He was ranked 5th over...
on 2019-11-10 17:05:12 by TerryWilson
Лайки: 6
Рейтинг: 11.33)