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Прес-релізи - How Long until MRC react to Volak beating all lap records?!.....

How Long until MRC react to Volak beating all lap records?!.....

Someone wins a paint contest and then destroys the laprecords with A Fer-F1C a car noone else can have and wins any Private Open race with a medioker driver by lapping the best drivers in the game by 9 laps........ MRC - This is Ridicoulus!!!!
For you that dont know what i am talking abt, Take a look

on 2018-07-12 02:20:33 by HåkanFerm
Лайки: 5 | Рейтинг: 9.42
Реакції на цей прес-реліз

Cry cry cry :D:D:D:D

on 2018-07-22 20:08:36 by VolisWiliam - Лайки: 5 | Кількість: 9.102

I'm sorry, but it's really fun: D: D: D: D cry guys, cry ladies ... Please take back records. I will not cry like you: D

Реакції на цей прес-реліз

Everybody could win! Or not?

on 2018-07-20 01:55:32 by Ludwei - Лайки: 6 | Кількість: 11.037

Each of the MRC users had a chance the same as Volak to win the car. That's a car damn fast, okay? He won him honestly and I do not know why he should not break records. After doing the job, a beautiful reward :-) Well, gentlemen and ladies. are your...

Реакції на цей прес-реліз

Private OPEN races

on 2018-07-12 17:58:28 by ThatFPM8Guy - Лайки: 3 | Кількість: 5.697

To be honest with you, it won't be long til another driver comes in the same car and beats his records but you calling him mediocre is a little bit off from you because he's got a overdeveloped racecar that looks like them LMP1s from Le Mans compared...

Реакції на цей прес-реліз


on 2018-07-12 17:26:10 by JordiMontané - Лайки: 1 | Кількість: 1.770

I've sent a message to Debik, it shouldn't be that hard to fix as Dawid says. Obviously an unforeseen problem. I wrote a longer message here: https://www.myracingcareer.com/ca/forum/4158/

Реакції на цей прес-реліз

Potential solve

on 2018-07-12 11:43:49 by Daktyl95 - Лайки: 3 | Кількість: 5.738

I think the most logical solution will be to create new class for similiar cars and make a new category like "hyper car" so it will be fair for all private cars drivers

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