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Прес-релізи - More Thoughts on our great game

More Thoughts on our great game

I really like the fact that a number of experienced MRC managers are stepping up and noting that there appears to be a problem in retaining new users. While I'm a relatively new user compared to some of these old timers, I too have noted how difficult it is to achieve the ratings growth trajectory of some of the greats like Rocco Rapido and Damien Novakov. As many are suggesting, it is more difficult to achieve this type of growth simply because of older drivers dropping back down to lower series.

There are lots of suggestions that have been made that suggest that series restrictions may help.

Others have noted how difficult it is for beginner managers to grasp the concepts of the skills required to construct a new driver. I was lucky and found a great mentor, but most our not that fortunate.

Setting up a car for the first time is also often a difficult task for new managers. For those that have grasped the concept it's not that difficult, but take a look at how many managers still run on a minimum amount of practice laps and perhaps you might begin to understand that there are some practical concepts that even novice managers may have overlooked.

I've personally noted the combine power of purchasing a super license, and racing in a lot of different races to build a great set-up "Rolodex". I've been amazed at how difficult it is to sell new users on the concept of purchasing that super license, and this tells me that there's an underlying issue wrapped in their introductory experience.

I would hope that DebiK and the MRC team responsible for this great game will listen to the experiences that managers are sharing, give their suggestions some consideration, and make some improvements that are directed at the issues that are being noted. I think there's some people here who really have some great ideas, and I would hope that some of those ideas can add value for everyone involved.

on 2018-05-10 05:32:19 by EugeneBellamy
Лайки: 12 | Рейтинг: 19.69
Це реакція на наступний прес-реліз:


on 2018-05-05 12:59:22 by JordiMontané - Лайки: 10 | Кількість: 18.839

I share some of your thoughts torbar, and that's why I'm involved too, in order to help make MRC better. On the first group, new users are indeed hard to keep. Superlicense for a month might help, would give them more time to settle in and decide ...

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