Прес-релізи - F3 series change: The Romain Louis rule
F3 series change: The Romain Louis rule
I would like to propose a series requirement or limitation. I will call it the Romain Louis rule (sorry Louis). In F3 for example, i would suggest two rules.
1) anyone over the age of 27(approx.) will not be eligible.
2) Exception: anyone over the age of 27 who total driving points are under 400 (approx.) will be eligible.
I believe this would greatly improve the competitiveness of these series, which translates to more enjoyment. The way it is now you may never get a chance to race for your countrys championship because a driver could stay there till hes 40 years old. This, i am sure, has put more than 1 person of the game.
on 2015-08-29 20:52:50 by Deuce