Прес-релізи - Since i posted this we had some livery changes
Since i posted this we had some livery changes
We should thank Jordimontane for his excellent work. If you need a livery contact him to run his style he designed.
on 2021-10-07 13:06:28 by TerryWilson
Це реакція на наступний прес-реліз:
The end of Mercedes in season 43
on 2021-10-05 12:56:47 by TerryWilson
Лайки: 7
Кількість: 13.201
This rather sad time for myself. I had hope to send Mercedes back into top 10 in ratings as a goal when i Took over. It was simply not in the cards. While Mercedes in season 43 lost 7 ratings points.. Very small loss this was all on My own drive...