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Прес-релізи - Kenny Wirdheim Retires - And throws 2 parties!!

Kenny Wirdheim Retires - And throws 2 parties!!

Even the handsome gets old.
Kenny Wirdheim the unfit talented whizzkid who hated training has decided to step down.

He himself is a living proof that you dont need to be the best trained driver to win a F1 race. You need a good team and teamwork and a good car,

In only his and his managers 2nd ever F1 race the unfit Kenny took the Porsche that was considred the 4th best car to both Pole and the Win in Bahrain.
And he almost reprised it 1 year later just gotten beat to claim 2nd position.

Nowadays Kenny drives Nascar which is perfect, He can drink and smoke while driving and not consider training at all :). He was in the hunt for 2nd driver in F1 S42, but when it came obvious that he could no longer fit in a F1 cockpit he has decided to quit and spend the rest of his days soaking up sunshine and never ever again to train.....

BUT Before that happens he has decided 2 last outings: 2 Private series First is an invite for close friends , Teammates, Nationals and competitors of Kenny that he has great respect for. That signup has already started:

2nd series will show around the 10th and will be open without invites - first come first served! Hasta La Vista!

on 2021-04-05 15:51:20 by HåkanFerm
Лайки: 26 | Рейтинг: 47.92
Реакції на цей прес-реліз

Ema Dillinger Responds to Kenny Wirdheim Retiring

on 2021-04-06 18:02:37 by NightSlasher - Лайки: 5 | Кількість: 9.083

I hate to see you go Kenny. You were a real inspiration to me, and I´m going to train with my manager to become better then you. Im sure that im not the only one that is sad to see you go, but I guess age does come to bite you. I was hoping to race y...

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