Raymond van de Pol naar de F1
Het contract is rond! Raymond van de pol rijd in seizoen 46 voor WRT Spyker, het team dat nu nog bekend staat als Trabant. Hij zal plaatsnemen naast de ervaren Poolse coureur Tomek Pasek.
Hoewel het team nu in de achterhoede rond rijd is er hoop dat...
2022-02-27 08:49:58 од корисника Pollie
Воли: 5
Рејтинг: 9.44)
Grandi novità per la stagione 46
Il Marengo sfoggia in anteprima la nuovissima livrea del Titan Racing Team che aggiorna il team della scuderia grazie all'entrata dei nuovi sponsor.
Dalla stagione 46 infatti il Titan Racing Team si chiamerà Castrol Titan Racing Team.
Gli spons...
2022-02-26 21:27:27 од корисника Firestorm3
Воли: 4
Рејтинг: 7.38)
Proposal to create a regional Rally series.
I am Gabrielius from Lithuania I suggest to the organizers of this game to make a regional rally series.
For example, there are no rallies in Lithuania in this game to create new rally tracks.
+ In Europe, the European Rally Trophy was held...
2022-02-25 18:08:25 од корисника Gabrielius
Воли: 4
Рејтинг: 5.25)
Supercars series ending moments of season analysis
The season in Australian Supercars series has been really challenging and entertaining so far, and as now there are still 5 more races to drive there is still lot happening in the standings. Already interested how next season will look as Salo and Le...
2022-02-25 10:07:53 од корисника Petu_
Воли: 8
Рејтинг: 15.36)
Breaking News: Edmond Kale To Leave Formula E After Current Season
Indonesian driver, Edmond Kale has announced that he will no longer participate in Formula E after the end of current season. This announcement was made during a press conference before the FE World Series Bern. His PR Manager, Ryan Fer confessed tha...
2022-02-23 21:01:16 од корисника rexrex
Воли: 5
Рејтинг: 8.99)
4 podios seguidos
Contentísimos están Secundino Pérez y el equipo Sierra de Arcos con los cuatro podios seguidos conseguidos en Nürbungring y Red Bull Ring que, de forma provisional, le colocan en el tercer puesto de la general de la DTWS. Tocará aguantar a los tres p...
2022-02-21 00:05:49 од корисника radekdeboktor
Воли: 3
Рејтинг: 5.76)
Prava imena dirkalnikov (v1.1)
Vsi tisti, ki imate Superlicenco lahko zamenjate kratice imen dirkalnikov z njihovimi pravimi imeni. Sem se še dodatno posodil in izboljšal verzijo, ki jo najdete na OnlineSportManagers.com.
chassis:f3_cl:Crawford Ligier JS;
2022-02-19 11:58:33 од корисника torbar4life
Воли: 4
Рејтинг: 7.50)
Pokal narodov: Slovenija na vrhu
V zadnjih treh sezona so rezultati Slovenske ekipe v pokalu narodov res fenomenalni. Po drugem mestu v sezoni 43 smo se v pretekli osvojili sam vrh in kot kaže bomo na njem ostali tudi v tej saj imamo pred ekipo združenih držav Amerike že res ogromno...
2022-02-19 11:51:03 од корисника toxic
Воли: 5
Рејтинг: 9.42)
Quando assumimos a pior equipe do grid (LKR) nosso objetivo era transformar a equipe que sempre foi a vergonha do MRC.
A equipe tinha marcado um total de 57 pontos em 31 temporadas, sendo seu melhor desempenho os 24 pontos marcados na Temporada 35....
2022-02-17 18:35:46 од корисника GustavoMuller
Воли: 6
Рејтинг: 9.38)
Tesla Fan Championship - Season 6
The 6th edition of the “Tesla Fan Championship” just ended.
The championship went to Nádia Portocarrero, who has won 5 titles in 6 championships! Unlike the previous edition, this time the victory was very clear as she won 5 races and her closest ...
2022-02-14 06:13:37 од корисника Alexthebest
Воли: 4
Рејтинг: 6.78)
Tesla Fan Championship - Época 6
Terminou há pouco a 6ª edição do “Tesla Fan Championship”.
A vitória no campeonato foi novamente para a Nádia Portocarrero, que chega a 5 titulos em 6 campeonatos! Ao contrario da edição anterior, desta vez a vitoria foi clarissima pois ela ganhou...
2022-02-14 06:10:40 од корисника Alexthebest
Воли: 3
Рејтинг: 5.70)
Happy Bikers VII
Na het winnen van Happy Bikers VI stond Raymond van de Pol vol goede moed aan de start van Happy Bikers VII. Deze aangepaste serie was een iets grotere uitdaging. er bleek namelijk een Moto GP topper mee te doen. deze was helaas een tandje of twee te...
2022-02-12 22:48:35 од корисника Pollie
Воли: 3
Рејтинг: 5.57)
Niederschlag in Indianapolis
Eine Rennwoche zum Vergessen. Performance vergleichlich mit der vorherigen doch diesmal mit einer doppelten Niedergang mit konsequenten Ausfall.
Gregory Napolt war für dessen Rookie Saison in Indianapolis zu Gast und die Rennverläufe sind gleichst...
2022-02-12 14:51:36 од корисника WolvDynamic
Воли: 6
Рејтинг: 8.37)
Port y la V8 Supercars
Ahora, que ya hemos pasado el ecuador de la temporada, mantenemos con Port una conversación sobre su serie de temporada.
Primeramente le preguntamos el porqué del cambio a la V8 Supercars. Nos contesta que la idea inicial era continuar un año más ...
2022-02-11 13:46:53 од корисника Miki1972
Воли: 4
Рејтинг: 7.57)