Саопштења за јавност
It's the arts...
There's a planned MRC Design Shop in the works and there cars would be voted so the best designed ones would get 5 stars, 4 stars and so on, but I don't know if there'll be associated prizes there.
2018-07-25 18:12:08 од корисника JordiMontané
Воли: 1
Рејтинг: 1.88)
Yay! Got mentioned in there....
Yeah, a winner mention! I feel with my driver's level and 4 or 5 26 year old drivers, getting near the top 10 is what my driver should shoot for at least.
Also nice touch with the driver numbers on the spreadsheet - mine using number 0 thanks to g...
2018-07-25 18:10:24 од корисника JordiMontané
Воли: 0
Рејтинг: 0.00)
Popularity or Artistry?
Português 25.07.2018 - Anyone looking for a rare car should enter the livery competition whatever the skill level.
Thet's because it's not a "best livery" but a "most popular" contest. If you have lots of facebook friends you ...
2018-07-25 11:16:16 од корисника ClaudioMonteiro
Воли: 3
Рејтинг: 5.66)
Popularity or Artistry?
Anyone looking for a rare car should enter the livery competition whatever the skill level.
Thet's because it's not a "best livery" but a "most popular" contest. If you have lots of facebook friends you will have a great chanc...
2018-07-25 11:15:18 од корисника ClaudioMonteiro
Воли: 6
Рејтинг: 9.39)
Wolf Woeger zum 4. mal in Folge DACH Meister
Ein Rennen vor Saisonende konnte Wolf Woeger sich den Titel zum 4. mal in folge in der DACH-Meisterschaft sichern. Zuvor hatte L. Hamberg noch eine minimale Chance auf den Titel und musste auf zwei Totalausfälle von Woeger hoffen.
Platz 3 ist noch h...
2018-07-25 08:48:18 од корисника SvenHauke
Воли: 5
Рејтинг: 9.57)
Mack To The Future...
Reacting to recent defamatory statements; British driver Mack Zaggro hit back (in the most jovial, community friendly way possible...) to being branded "average" by his co-patriot rival manager in a recent Press Release.
Zaggro was on th...
2018-07-25 01:45:35 од корисника Adamski
Воли: 2
Рејтинг: 3.84)
F3 Masters Round 3 Zandvoort Round-Up: Winners and Losers
Like I said earlier, spreadsheet is out now so check it out if you want to guys :D https://docs.google.... I'm back with another round-up (yes it's that time of day)
... Szybki:
Ok, might've been caught out with the rain in the Sprint...
2018-07-25 00:09:03 од корисника ThatFPM8Guy
Воли: 2
Рејтинг: 3.80)
VOLÁK JR. Nejsledovanější profil na MRC!!!!!
zdravím všechny České i Slovenské manažery a jezdce. Možná jste někteří v obraze a možná se k vám ještě nedostala kauza o mém jezdci Honzovi Volákovi Jr. Kauza která ovládla MRC team a všechny manažery v MRC má svoje ODPURCE ale také PRIZNIVCE...
2018-07-24 18:45:04 од корисника VolisWiliam
Воли: 8
Рејтинг: 14.73)
15-way: "Souboj cti"
Po minulé sezóně kdy se nám podařilo se dostat do elitní třídy A. Tak náš cíl byl se zde udržet a to se podařilo a s radostí můžu oznámit, že v sezóně S29 pojdeme opět v nejvyšší třídě.
přehled jezdců CZ S28:
7.pozice Luděk Valenta jr.
2018-07-24 16:35:41 од корисника Ludwei
Воли: 5
Рејтинг: 8.94)
Pohár národů S28 8.týden: "směr vpřed"
Osmý týden byl velmi výborný pro naše barvy. Kdy jsem nasbírali mega dost bodů a tím jsme se dostali na celkové místo číslo 4!!!!!!!!!!!
Sice Itálie,Brazílie a Franice jsou v těsné blízkosti, ale co víc je že Polsko ani Portugalsko nejsou zase tak...
2018-07-24 12:53:14 од корисника Ludwei
Воли: 7
Рејтинг: 12.53)
Sad to say this
I am sorry to say this, but I asked some time before about this to DebiK (on February) and the response was this:
This were the only news about that from him. I would also wanted it, as I would like to have more team management series on the g...
2018-07-24 12:16:32 од корисника nicorz
Воли: 5
Рејтинг: 9.48)
Scuderia Ferrari Long Term Project
. Michael Schumacher is no doubtetly one of the greatest drivers the world has ever seen. 7 World titles which 5 were won with Scuderia Ferrari, combination which was unstoppable. Michael setted many records with Ferrari: 2002 he finished every rac...
2018-07-24 12:07:45 од корисника Sir_ErikSalama
Воли: 12
Рејтинг: 22.55)
Joven promesa al volante
Pablo León de 18 años de edad ha hecho su sueño realidad al sentarse en un monoplaza por primera vez.
El chico que siempre fue el más inteligente de su clase, está ilusionado para llegar a lo más alto. Está muy concienciado para lograrlo, y todos...
2018-07-24 08:09:49 од корисника Malarkey
Воли: 3
Рејтинг: 4.70)
It is interesting that the reward prize goes to someone artistic
News flash the Majority of MRC USERs could never win that rare car! Because majority of us are not artistically inclined. Majority of MRC user who of us who can have a special livery suite or helmet are terrible at photo shop or paint.. we are lucky...
2018-07-24 03:20:30 од корисника TerryWilson
Воли: 0
Рејтинг: 0.00)
Suggestion about rare cars!
Often players suggest t6hings to steal each others glory. but my suggestion is to let the Trophy Champions participants drive any new rare car.. Then they would be no silly posts about new track records In a car nobody can have but select few. But ...
2018-07-24 02:02:36 од корисника TerryWilson
Воли: 2
Рејтинг: 3.77)