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Користимо колачиће да бисмо унапредили игру и анализирали активност. Ове информације делимо на друштвеним мрежама, са рекламним и аналитичким партнерима.
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Español Resumen final de la F4 Spanish Series Con los últimos sonidos de los motores apagándose, bajamos el telón en Jerez de la F4 Spanish Series. Una palabra podría resumir esta temporada, regularidad. Foix Acosta ha sabido interpretar y leer mejor que ninguno cada una de las situaciones duran...
2020-11-29 20:24:10 од корисника Miki1972 - Воли: 8 | Рејтинг: 14.35)
Català Resum final de la F4 Spanish Sèries Amb els últims sorolls dels motors, baixem a Jerez, la persiana de la F4 Spanish Sèries. Una paraula pot resumir aquesta temporada, regularitat. Foix Acosta ha sabut interpretar i llegir millor que ningú cadascuna de las situacions de la temporada. H...
2020-11-29 20:13:31 од корисника Miki1972 - Воли: 3 | Рејтинг: 5.36)
English End of Ema's First Season At the beginning of season 39, Ema Dilinger's manager decided to put her to the test and put her directly into the Nasc Truck Series. Ema was very contested at the beginning running very far back in 30th. Then she had to change something. And she got...
2020-11-29 19:26:11 од корисника NightSlasher - Воли: 6 | Рејтинг: 8.84)
Español Resumen de la Temporada 39 A punto de cerrar la zafra de la F3 South American Series, la temporada podria ser recordada como la mejor tras mis dos años en el Turismo Carretera, en donde alli termine decimo. Por ahora a falta de dos carreras en Interlagos. Hasta ahora nos encon...
2020-11-29 05:56:29 од корисника DanielAlfonsoSiso - Воли: 2 | Рејтинг: 3.51)
English Alex Keister's First Series Win Today after Alex Keister's first series win he was asked many qeustions. Press- How are you going to celerbrate the win. Alex- I am going to go do some more simluations for daytona. Press- Do you think you have a chance to be a contender in the N...
2020-11-28 22:07:18 од корисника kman901 - Воли: 5 | Рејтинг: 7.27)
English Lindquist disapointed after missing out on maiden Nations Cup win Starting from sixth position in the U-21 Nations Cup race in Brasília Felix Lindquist seemed to like the wet conditions and early made it up to P2. What then followed was a fight between Lindquist and Viviani for the lead, the two switching positions...
2020-11-28 18:13:14 од корисника KasperCederlund - Воли: 1 | Рејтинг: 1.93)
English Series Entry Fee Tweaks For what it's worth, I'd agree generally. There hasn't been much call for an overhaul to the system, but I concur that - although I wouldn't say the current system is inherently flawed - I would say there is definitely option to open it up. As has...
2020-11-27 14:28:55 од корисника Adamski - Воли: 10 | Рејтинг: 16.73)
English Blake thanks Davis Braedyn Blake issued a statement thanking JJ Davis and City Chevy for the kind words. Blake added it was Davis who showed him he had to be better and pushed him to be better. The season was such a thrill racing against Davis and Hugo and I didn't be...
2020-11-27 01:57:00 од корисника FuzzyBanana - Воли: 4 | Рејтинг: 7.07)
English Maybe a change is in Order regaurding season entry fees It seems some still have issue of the former loophole dealing with season series entry fees. While Tex paid the hefty price for the attempt. He got zero benefit from it. While some still sit in judgement over it. Some still fall through the cracks....
2020-11-26 15:07:44 од корисника TerryWilson - Воли: 11 | Рејтинг: 20.12)
Português, Brasil [BR24] Classificação Final após 16/16 corridas A 24ª edição do Campeonato Brasileiro terminou coroando como campeão o piloto Bernardo Reckziegel, que conquista seu primeiro título no certame, sendo esse o terceiro da família Reckziegel. Após um começo surpreendente de Juca Macieira II, o campe...
2020-11-26 13:51:25 од корисника jeansapia - Воли: 7 | Рејтинг: 12.67)
Português, Brasil Equipe de Formula 1 Brasileira No MrC tem! Graças uma grande sorte da comunidade brasileira, conseguimos um time de F1 para comandarmos. Recebemos o time meio que doado, porém a equipe veio a beira da falência para as nossas mãos. De forma que tivemos que tomar algumas ações em...
2020-11-26 01:30:13 од корисника pmarcio - Воли: 14 | Рејтинг: 22.87)
English Congrats Nascar Silver Cup Champion BRAEDYN BLAKE I just want to be the First to say Congrats Driver JJ Davis said after a hard run race. Yeah the car just wasn't right all weekend by about 50 laps in I new I was done Braedyn and Hugo were just too dialed in for me to keep up today. It's a Shame we ...
2020-11-25 20:29:35 од корисника AlanDavis - Воли: 8 | Рејтинг: 13.08)
English Talking to NASC Truck Series Points leader Doodle Kman-What are you worried about martinsvill? Doodle-We don't really have any concerns about Martinsville. With the win at Talladega we've put our entire focus on Phoenix. Kman-What are you doing to prepare for the champtionship at Phoenix? Doodl...
2020-11-24 22:07:46 од корисника kman901 - Воли: 8 | Рејтинг: 11.74)
Slovenščina Pokal narodov: Slovenija odlična šesta Po zelo dolgem času Slovenije v pokalu narodov nastopa s polno ekipo, kar je zelo vzpodbudno predvsem za prihodnost. Kljub temu pa bo uspeh ekipe v tej sezoni odvisen predvsem od dveh dirkačev, ki sta bila nosila že v pretekli sezoni. Do sedaj sta Za...
2020-11-22 21:37:19 од корисника toxic - Воли: 7 | Рејтинг: 11.82)
Čeština Poháru národů S39 7. týden - Smůla v cestě za úspěchem 7. týden přišel po dvou úspěšných týdnech, které se vždy daly charakterizovat velkými úspěchy v podobě žádného DNF, či vítězství s pódii. Pojďme se nyní tedy podívat, zda-li na tento „trend“ naše repre navázala, a opět bude co vypíchnout. Tento tý...
2020-11-22 14:23:07 од корисника Koruzi - Воли: 1 | Рејтинг: 1.77)
1 ... 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 ... 843

Најбоље објаве

Italiano CIP stagione 58 - il riassunto
Español Álvaro Cobos dirá adiós a las pistas a final de temporada
Español Lucha por la copa de naciones
Català Problemes de fiabilitat a Autopolis però encara en el liderat
English Erik Rosberg´s 5 Season Domination
Español Todo decidido en las Superbikes
Nederlands Rally, een nieuwe uitdaging.
Nederlands Het kiezen van de juiste serie
Português, Brasil Disputa Intensa na Fórmula 3 South American Series

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