Користимо колачиће да бисмо унапредили игру и анализирали активност. Ове информације делимо на друштвеним мрежама, са рекламним и аналитичким партнерима.
Детаљи ОК
Користимо колачиће да бисмо унапредили игру и анализирали активност. Ове информације делимо на друштвеним мрежама, са рекламним и аналитичким партнерима.
Детаљи ОК
ОбјашњењеБлогУслови коришћењаЗаштита приватности


Playboys prized pin up turned racer Kerry Smith has just secured her former employer as major sponsor for the rest of the season . Marketing principal Ivan Humpalot said it was a no brainer to back the busty blonde and have our brand laid out over the body of her hot pink racer , hopefully she continues to race as well as she models , We are sure she will perform extremely well and move towards F1 . With the highest selling September issue to date and on track success we will be hoping she will make a come back centrefold spread in the future , Im sure itll be as racy as she is raw , laughed Ivan Humpalot .
When asked about the spread Kerry Smith just smiled and said " Well this is the longest ive ever kept my clothes on for "
There we have it boys and girls , sounds like a photo shoot is only around the corner So watch your rear view mirrors and local news agent , Shes coming through the ranks to sort the boys from the men.

2017-08-04 06:48:03 од корисника 0071977
Воли: 2 | Рејтинг: 3.61
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2017-08-22 10:39:25 од корисника 0071977 - Воли: 4 | Резултат 6.504

Playboy giant has stepped aside as primary sponsor for the next week to let sister company HOOTERS glisten in the lime light , Marketing principal IVAN HUMPALOT said that former pin up playboy model KERRY SMITH has more than delivered on her end of t...

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