MyRacingCareer Вести
Car Painting Competition #39
A new month is starting and with it, another chance to win coins and a private car of your choice!
English @ 2021-06-01
Season 42 Deadlines and Design Competition #38
As usual towards the end of the season, we publish the Season Series Deadlines, together with the results for the Design Competition for April!
English @ 2021-05-01
Car Painting Competition #37
It's time again to paint cars for your chance to win coins!
English @ 2021-04-03
Finalizing F1 Engines for season 42
Current reality of new engines development by the teams forces us to do some changes to the proposed systems. Here is the whole explanation of that and maybe also some interesting information for F1 team managers.
English @ 2021-03-31
Car Painting Competition #36
The monthly design competition is back and with it, a chance to win coins and the private vehicle of your choice!
English @ 2021-03-02
New Things for the New Season
A few things have been included or updated in the game. Here's a short recap of those changes.
English @ 2021-02-22
Рокови за 41. сезону
Као и обично, ево информација о роковима за сезону 41.
Српски @ 2021-02-14
Car Painting Competition #35
After F1 cars, it's board game time in Design Challenge 35!
English @ 2021-02-01
Честа питања о подешавању мотора Ф1
Подешавање мотора је нова функција за Ф1 тимове да прилагоде своје перформансе мотора. Дебик је одговорио на неколико питања о томе и надамо се да ће бити јасније како подешавање мотора функционише.
Српски @ 2021-01-20
Car Painting Competition #34
Happy New Year! Results are in and with it, a new Painting Competition.
English @ 2021-01-01