Користимо колачиће да бисмо унапредили игру и анализирали активност. Ове информације делимо на друштвеним мрежама, са рекламним и аналитичким партнерима.
Детаљи ОК
Користимо колачиће да бисмо унапредили игру и анализирали активност. Ове информације делимо на друштвеним мрежама, са рекламним и аналитичким партнерима.
Детаљи ОК
ИГРАЈТЕОбјашњењеБлогУслови коришћењаЗаштита приватности

MyRacingCareer Вести

Car Painting Competition - 17th round Winners are in from July, and we've got an exciting challenge for August. Also a quick reminder: even if you don't have graphic skills, you can ask a designer to create an entry for you!
English English @ 2019-08-01
Problem with Saved Setup Hi guys this is just a quick but important notice that problem with lost saved setup was solved few minutes ago.
English English @ 2019-07-15
First Press Conference with Debik The long time asked and needed contact with the creator is finally there.
English English @ 2019-07-04
Car Painting Competition - 16th round We're into summer in the northern hemisphere, and July comes with a "sunny" challenge. Try your hand at winning 200 coins and a private car of your choice!
English English @ 2019-07-02
Charitative Project: Done! Hi guys, I just want to inform you that it seems like your votes really helped and we are among projects which will get financial support. I would like to thank everybody who voted. I just sent voting points to you. I would like to give my special THANK YOU to those of you who decided to vote but did not submit request to get reward!
English English @ 2019-06-28
Season 34 - Formula 1 Changes After announcement of suppliers change with implications already in place for this season there is another announcement which will be applied next season. We don`t like to see F1 teams even stronger ones taking a season off to save money and then invest them to one season success. We hope following changes will demotivate teams to do it.
English English @ 2019-06-17
New Season - Formula 1 Changes After analysis of current state of Formula 1 we decided to make some changes with suppliers. We really changed prices and qualities drastically and we expect more equal approach to build own engine from teams. Read more in article to understand the reasons and future consequences.
English English @ 2019-06-16
Charitative Project: Please Help DebiK! Hi guys. There is one charitative project which I am activelly participating on and that is building community place for children near my home. For this we need some financial support and one of the possibilities how to get that is to win a grant. There is a grant we signed for and we now need help with voting for our project. I offer 30 voting points as a reward for you for a vote. See the details inside article!
English English @ 2019-06-12
Завршетак серија + промене у календару такмичења Опет је онај дан у години када бирате своје серије! Такође, доносимо и неке новине у календару такмичења.
Српски Српски @ 2019-06-10
Дизајн такмичење - 15. рунда Имамо новог победника који по први пут учествује у такмичењу и то доказује да било ко може учествовати и пробати да освоји 200 новчића и ауто по свом избору!
Српски Српски @ 2019-06-05
1 ... 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ... 44

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Magyar Magyar Kupa XXXI jelentkezési információk
Magyar Magyar Kupa XXXI jelentkezési információk
Español La Carrera profesional de Arturo Senna
Italiano Finalmente Gagliardi
Français De retour
Italiano Programma di sviluppo piloti Pegaso
Deutsch Blei Regazzoni
Nederlands Nationscup dromen
Suomi Mercedes West Uudelleennimetään Kaudella 60
English Birth Of B15 Racing In F1