Користимо колачиће да бисмо унапредили игру и анализирали активност. Ове информације делимо на друштвеним мрежама, са рекламним и аналитичким партнерима.
Детаљи ОК
Користимо колачиће да бисмо унапредили игру и анализирали активност. Ове информације делимо на друштвеним мрежама, са рекламним и аналитичким партнерима.
Детаљи ОК
ИГРАЈТЕОбјашњењеБлогУслови коришћењаЗаштита приватности

Qualification Live Broadcast Launched!

Qualification Live Broadcast Launched!

Now it's here! The thing what you have waiting for, the qualification live broadcast! We have also made changes to mechanics page, report pages and trophies page. Read more here...

Qualification Live Broadcast Launched!

First about the qualification live broadcast, it's online now and you can watch your qualifications there. It's now only in English but we will make soon as possible translations to it. We need sometime to do so because there is a lot of new translations to the translators. You can start watching broadcast 10 minutes before start of the race and reports are coming 30 minutes after the race. So you have to watch broadcast if you want to see results before reports coming.

Next about race broadcast, we have not starting work with it yet. Don't expect moving cars on track, it is too complicated to make it at least little realistic with overtaking and so on. Rather expect something similar to Race report progress, but automatic, with just an simple visualization of track position.

Next about big changes on Mechanics screen. Now it's possible to set roles where mechanics works during pitstop. Until the end of the season, the old sysdem will be used, so

it is not neccessary to set the roles now. But when season 5 starts, then you should to do it manually and try find right places to
mechanics to make best possible pitstop. There is also advice from your Racing Engineers to do it quickly.

We have also made gaps to reports and race broadcast, you can see now gap to driver above you, how big the difference really is. And last thing is that we have changed trophies screen a bit, when you have clicked the trophy, you can see on that screen too series where that trophy is used.

That's all today, enjoy your time with qualification live! :)

by Arskap
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