Користимо колачиће да бисмо унапредили игру и анализирали активност. Ове информације делимо на друштвеним мрежама, са рекламним и аналитичким партнерима.
Детаљи ОК
Користимо колачиће да бисмо унапредили игру и анализирали активност. Ове информације делимо на друштвеним мрежама, са рекламним и аналитичким партнерима.
Детаљи ОК
ИГРАЈТЕОбјашњењеБлогУслови коришћењаЗаштита приватности

Car Painting Competition #22

Car Painting Competition #22

A new face joined the podium last month, and it's time for 2020's first Design Competition!

Car Painting Competition #22


1. WINNER - johnrafael (Brazil) - 9 likes - Los Angeles Rams
Check this design!
Received 200 coins and rare car + honour to the profile

2. JordiMontané (Spain) - 7 likes - San Francisco 49ers
Check this design!
Received 100 coins.

3. GoranPešić (Serbia) - 6 likes - Green Bay Packers
Check this design!
Received 50 coins.


Every January challenge will be this one, the F1 fiction challenge. Most F1 cars are in development for the season ahead and often there's curiosity as to which liveries will the teams have in the new season.
So the challenge this month is to do fantasy liveries for the current F1 teams. Using their current sponsors, it's time to get creative! What will be AlphaTauri's first livery? How would you freshen up Haas' livery? What will you do with Red Bull?
We recommend using F3 cars for this challenge as they're the most similar to F1 cars.

To participate you have to paint your car, helmet and livery with the requested theme in the game, then click on the share button on the garage screen which will generate image with all 3 items and and you have to share that.

If you want to participate you need to generate your share image and publish it as a new visitor post on our Facebook PAGE.
Winner will be decided by number of likes on the post.

1. Special competition honour to user profile, rare private car and 200 coins
2. 100 coins
3. 50 coins

Deadline is January 31st!

Rules reminder - click here.

by JordiMontané
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