Користимо колачиће да бисмо унапредили игру и анализирали активност. Ове информације делимо на друштвеним мрежама, са рекламним и аналитичким партнерима.
Детаљи ОК
Користимо колачиће да бисмо унапредили игру и анализирали активност. Ове информације делимо на друштвеним мрежама, са рекламним и аналитичким партнерима.
Детаљи ОК
ИГРАЈТЕОбјашњењеБлогУслови коришћењаЗаштита приватности

NEWS: New in-game features and functionality!

NEWS: New in-game features and functionality!

Hi folks, most of you have seen some of the new features and functionality that has been added recently, let's go through them now!

NEWS: New in-game features and functionality!

*Best Driver in the Country Icon
This is self explanatory really, the best driver from each country now has an icon indicating such!

*Additional Extra Training
There is now an option to have extra additional training set-ups.
Before you could set up 2 additional trainings as a SuperLicence holder and 1 as a free user, now there is no limit to the amount you can have in a row. But each additional extra training you set up will cost 3 coins.

*Number of Saved setups in track profile
When you go to a track profile you can now see the # of setups you have saved.

*Live Broadcast
One of the most requested additions to the game has now gone live!
Race broadcast can be accessed by clicking the green play button beside each race!

*Stored Risk settings during testing
When testing before a qualifying session you can now easily view what risks you set up for each of your individual stints. This section has been added just below your driving style/risk settings.

We hope you enjoy the new additions and in particular the race broadcast!

Also, for those involved with F1 teams, the coin flip is back again!
It can be found here > Coin Flip
This coin flip will determine whether there will be a change in F1 engine rules at the start of season 16!

That's it for today guys!

by Emerald
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English British Invitational Series - Season 59 Standings Update
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