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O hreBlogPodmienky služiebOchrana osobných údajov
English The Start of the End As Owen Wilson famously said: "Wow..." ... all that can be said of British Indy driver Mack Zaggro this season... But not in the same positive manner that many would suggest of this once rookie sensation... Oh no... Instead at the sheer di...
Adamski dňa 2019-12-17 20:27:01 - Páči sa: 6 | Hodnotenie: 9.89)
Español Abraham Lapuerta Calafat: Pole, Rotura y remontada desde el penúltimo al cuarto Fin de semana con altibajos para Abraham, donde consiguió su primera pole con los mayores. En la primera carrera, a pesar de hacer la carrera a rebufo de Juanki Alonso para gastar menos gasolina, el motor se sintió infrautilizado como la ex-novia ...
zupox dňa 2019-12-17 09:33:44 - Páči sa: 3 | Hodnotenie: 5.47)
Čeština Pohár národů S35 4.týden - Systém přibrzďuje naši vysokou výkonnost No přátelé pomalu šplháme nahoru. Ze stále zakletého 9.místa jsme skočili na místo sedmé! Nebýt pár smolných výsledků, bylo by to bodově ještě o hodně lépe, ale takový je systém, tak se nedá nic dělat :-) Není divu, že někdy jezdci ztratí koncen...
Ludwei dňa 2019-12-16 21:06:31 - Páči sa: 6 | Hodnotenie: 9.49)
Português, Brasil [BR20] Classificação após 6/16 corridas PILOTOS 1º Juca Macieira II, 109 pontos 2º Rafael Drummond, 107 pontos 3º Alex Reis, 105.5 pontos 4º Luiz Thomazini, 104 pontos 5º Asdrubal Pinto, 88.5 pontos 6º Bernardo Reckziegel, 81 pontos 7º Karina Sette, 79 pontos 8º Roger Relâmpago, ...
jeansapia dňa 2019-12-16 13:48:53 - Páči sa: 3 | Hodnotenie: 5.75)
Español Buen inicio de Montané "Parece que el salto ha ido bien". Estas fueron las declaraciones del piloto de Manlleu Marc Montané cuando le pidieron que hiciera un poco de resumen del primer tercio de temporada en la NASC Gold Cup. Y los resultados lo demuestran. Mo...
JordiMontané dňa 2019-12-16 12:45:46 - Páči sa: 6 | Hodnotenie: 10.79)
Català Bon inici de Montané "Sembla que el salt ha anat bé". Aquestes van ser les declaracions del pilot de Manlleu Marc Montané quan van demanar-li fer una mica de resum del primer terç de temporada a la NASC Gold Cup. I els resultats ho demostren. Montané va exce...
JordiMontané dňa 2019-12-16 12:39:07 - Páči sa: 5 | Hodnotenie: 9.50)
Nederlands WTCS Zandvoort Raymond van de Pol heeft op Zandvoort zijn 5e plaats in het kampioenschap versterkt. in alle drie de races kwam hij als 5e over de streep. helaas lijkt er dit seizoen niet veel meer in te zitten. er was op meer gehoopt aan het begin van het seizoen m...
Pollie dňa 2019-12-16 07:41:42 - Páči sa: 0 | Hodnotenie: 0.00)
English Special Skills Alternative I actually think there should be a separate section starting when you create a driver separate training based on the following in order to create a more competitive driver. Here would be the recommendation special Skills Balance Motorcycles On...
BradleyBundy dňa 2019-12-15 16:41:12 - Páči sa: 5 | Hodnotenie: 7.33)
Italiano Doppietta Conte e Maffo nel torneo U19 Incredibile quanto avvenuto nell'ultima gara valida per il torneo "U19 Rookies Challenge" riservato ai giovani di età inferiore ai diciannove anni, gara in cui i talenti italiani Nino Conte ed Enzo Maffo sono riusciti a realizzare una doppi...
AlessioAlek dňa 2019-12-15 01:45:47 - Páči sa: 4 | Hodnotenie: 6.49)
English F3 Masters Season 34 Review Hey guys, this is my season review like I promised, I've spent a while going back and forth into it and I did rush quite a bit too so it isn't going to be the best but I hope it will be worth the sit back and read through because stuff is going to be...
ThatFPM8Guy dňa 2019-12-14 21:13:20 - Páči sa: 9 | Hodnotenie: 17.07)
Italiano Memorabile Audi e-tron nella TCR Questa sera abbiamo aggiunto un nuovo traguardo sul cammino della scuderia fondata da Max in F1, il giovane N.Conte ha vinto la sua prima gara in Olanda sul circuito di Assen con 10 secondi sotto il secondo pilota che lo seguiva in gara, il giovane h...
metroid8 dňa 2019-12-13 17:34:54 - Páči sa: 4 | Hodnotenie: 7.29)
English Special Skills In my opinion it is too easy to max out main skill in MRC. Therefore I would like to see special skills to be used in all across MRC. This way we would get drivers that are specialized for certain type of racing and therefore crossing to different...
torbar4life dňa 2019-12-13 07:50:19 - Páči sa: 10 | Hodnotenie: 18.54)
English Crazy Canuck: Down under S8 U28 We are racing down under!! Six tracks in the land of OZ All under 28 are welcome to the races! We race two race per tracks and we have two practice sessions at each track! We have prize money for the top 4 finishers. Come race with p...
WilieEthelbertCoyote dňa 2019-12-11 16:22:23 - Páči sa: 2 | Hodnotenie: 3.88)
Italiano Andrea RInger debutterà nella Rookie Series Il 17 Dicembre l'Italo-Tedesco debutterà nella Rookie Series Formula 3 sul circuito russo di Smolesk. Reduce da un secondo posto nella Quick Race di Nardò il ventiseienne si sta impegnando in sessioni di allenamento intensivo e simulatore di corsa p...
andreaOLH dňa 2019-12-11 14:42:29 - Páči sa: 1 | Hodnotenie: 1.77)
English Driver Brady Ends Season Opening "Hangover" With Convincing Win At Wyant Group After a self proclaimed slump to start Season 35, driver Brad Brady led all 100 laps en route to a close victory over reigning series champion Jarrett Brandon. After a series of smoky burnouts, the American driver was all grins in victory lane,. &quo...
BlueMan1 dňa 2019-12-10 22:02:37 - Páči sa: 5 | Hodnotenie: 7.25)
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