Tlačové správy - well set it up..
well set it up..
Talk is cheap action speaks louder then a thumping of the chest... I will race anybody, anytime and anywhere... There is no disgrace in losing you only lose honor when you have no courage to show up.
TerryWilson dňa 2016-04-16 09:14:37
Toto je reakcia na nasledujúcu tlačovú správu:
USA who?
thedonz dňa 2016-04-14 05:32:47
Páči sa: 14
Skóre: 24.840
Blah blah blah. I'm thinking of phrase involving the words money and mouth..... The UK racing association (GBM) challenges the USRA to a private series showdown, to the winner goes the spoils and to the winning country goes the honour.(yes th...
Reakcie na túto tlačovú správu
UK Vs USA battle begins!
thedonz dňa 2016-04-17 00:43:33
Páči sa: 6
Skóre: 10.716
My talk is never cheap and nothing is louder than the thumping of my chest. The series is up. Speak to Lee regarding an invite - maybe he will let you take part..... Long live the queen!