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Tlačové správy - How about All tracks!

How about All tracks!

Why not allow all tracks before listing nobody is changing their tracks.. America has the greatest Ovals in world. But this ruling says to keep with traditional track selections.. I think player made fictous tracks being allowed in Nations cup so should Oval.. It's not like there in no real racing going on in open wheeled cars like those used in nations Cup.. We certainly would never nominate some go cart track like Bristol .. So it's likely we will always give same two tracks every season.. For same reason other nations do.. We race on our best tracks more often...

You want some added color to Nations cup... Allow Ovals!

TerryWilson dňa 2016-04-07 01:29:10
Páči sa: 3 | Hodnotenie: 5.19
Toto je reakcia na nasledujúcu tlačovú správu:

Important Message for NMA Presidents

LittleMLO dňa 2016-04-03 05:38:04 - Páči sa: 5 | Skóre: 8.637

The new calendar for the Nation's Cup goes live in just 2 and a half weeks! I certainly cannot wait, and I'm sure you are too! Approximately 3 months ago I went around to each and every President for their country's NMA (National Motorsport Associ...

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