Tlačové správy - Impressive but...
Impressive but...
I've played games like this where the formulas were all worked out and published and, to be honest, it sort of ruined the game. If you wanted to succeed it basically meant maintaining spreadsheets and working slavishly to the numbers. Eventually my friends and I quit playing because the game became tedious and mechanical. I hope we don't go down that road here.
I suspect I'll be a lone voice in this, but please don't share the formula!
benob1 dňa 2020-06-29 23:10:25
Researching Sponsors: Part 1: Genesis and Early Research
jcgoble3 dňa 2020-06-24 03:57:53
Páči sa: 19
Skóre: 32.910
Have you ever wondered what impacts the sponsor offer and by how much? Have you ever hired another PR manager and then been disappointed at how little of an effect he had—or surprised at how large of an effect? Or wondered about how much of an effect...