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Novinky na MyRacingCareer

Vitajte v sezóne 4! Dnes sme privítali novú sezónu a máme tu pár informácií ktoré so sebou prináša....
Slovenčina Slovenčina @ 2013-05-09
Best Press Release Writers Rewarded! #6 It's time to reward the best press releases! This time we have results in right time, so here are the winners and their press releases... :)
English English @ 2013-04-27
Sezóna 4! Ahojte! V tejto novinke vám povieme, ktoré dátumy sú dôležité pre štart vašich jazdcov v jednotlivých sériách v nasledujúcej sezóne. Máme ale tiež zlé správy o nových sériách a o vývoji hry...
Slovenčina Slovenčina @ 2013-04-25
Zmeny pre 4. sezónu Ahojte. Táto novinka je zameraná na informácie o zmenách v hre od nadchádzajúcej sezóny. Taktiež sme spustili nejaké zmeny, o ktorých by sme vám radi povedali.
Slovenčina Slovenčina @ 2013-04-14
Best Press Release Writers Rewarded! #5 It's time again reward best press releases writers! This time we are a bit late but the list is now here. And the reward is 50 coins as always, and it's much enough to buy superlicense for a month...
English English @ 2013-04-13
Best Press Releases Writers Rewarded! #4 It is time to announce best press releases in last 2 weeks again and send 50 coins to winners again. 50 coins is enough for 1 month Superlicense. I also would like to tell you more about what we are doing in the game now and what is the plan for soon future.
English English @ 2013-03-27
Best Press Releases Writers Rewarded! #3 Every 2 weeks we announce best press releasses written by you managers. The winners gets nice reward in form of 50 coins which can be used to activate superlicense for 1 month or something else in the future. That is a nice way how to try license, and maybe keep it for longer time :)
English English @ 2013-03-12
Novinky z vývoja 9.3.2013 Dnes máme veľa vecí, ktoré vám chceme predstaviť a preto bude táto novinky dosť dlhá. Pôjde o možnosť prihlásiť sa do hry cez Facebook, novinky v extra tréningu pre držiteľov superlicencie, o ďalšej sezóne a o tom na čom pracujeme...
Slovenčina Slovenčina @ 2013-03-09
Best Press Releases Writers Rewarded! #2 Every 2 weeks we announce best press releasses written by you managers. The winners gets nice reward in form of 50 coins which can be used to activate superlicense for 1 month. Nice way how to try license, and maybe keep it for longer time :)
English English @ 2013-02-25
Best Press Releases Writers Rewarded! #1 As we announced 2 weeks ago, we evaluated best press releases created during last 2 weeks. And there were some good releases which creators will be rewarded as promised. It is 50 coins which is equal to 1 month Superlicense for a really quality pieces. Find out who got the reward inside article!
English English @ 2013-02-10
1 ... 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 ... 44

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