Novinky na MyRacingCareer
NEWS: F1 Team Auction.
A news brief about the latest F1 team share auction.
English @ 2015-02-26
NEWS: F1 Team Auction.
Today's news brings details of new shares up for auction.
English @ 2015-02-15
NEWS: F1 Team Auctions.
Hi guys, I bring you news of F1 team shares up for grabs!
English @ 2015-01-28
Are You Ready For Season 12!
The new season is almost upon us and we here at My Racing Career headquarters are looking forward to a big year of racing!
English @ 2015-01-11
Trofej Šampiónov
Táto sezóna zažije znovu Trofej Šampiónov, ktorá sa začne na začiatku novej sezóny, nie na jej konci. V dnešnej správe vám pripomenieme novinky v tejto sérii.
Slovenčina @ 2015-01-08
NEWS: Team Auctions
If you want to get involved in F1 Team Ownership, now is as good a time as ever!
English @ 2015-01-06
Šťastný nový rok 2015!
Dnes je čas osláviť všetky vaše úspechy v roku 2014. Sme radi, že ste s nami v tomto roku vydržali a dúfame, že to tak zostane aj v tom novom. Samozrejme veľmi radi tu uvidíme nové tváre.
Slovenčina @ 2014-12-31
Veselé Vianoce!
Ahojte chalani, sme veľmi blízko k našim tretím Vianociam v plnej verzii MRC. Menom DebiKa a celého tímu MRC by som rád využil túto príležitosť, aby som vám aj vašim rodinám poprial..
Slovenčina @ 2014-12-23
NEWS: New Features
Hi guys, MRC are always looking to improve your gaming experience here and today I bring you news about brand new features as well as information about planned features for the future!
English @ 2014-12-18
NEWS: Team Member Recruitment Drive!
Hi guys, today I bring news of MRC's latest recruitment drive!
If you have ever wanted to be part of the MRC team, and you have the time and qualities required, now is your chance!
English @ 2014-12-09