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Novinky na MyRacingCareer

Novinky v hre Tento článok je zhrnutím všetkých noviniek, ktoré boli v priebehu posledných dní pridané do hry. Taktiež zistíme, kto vyhral súťaž v tvorbe trate!
Slovenčina Slovenčina @ 2020-04-27
Sezóna 37 - Novinky, zmeny, uzávierky prihlášok, nábor do MRC tímu Sezóna 37 prichádza a spolu s ňou je tu niekoľko vecí o ktorých by ste mali vedieť.
Slovenčina Slovenčina @ 2020-04-07
Car Painting Competition #25 A new manager joined the rostrum in March, and as the world is confined, it's a good time to paint your cars!
English English @ 2020-04-01
Car Painting Competition #24 This month's challenge should bring up memorable liveries...
English English @ 2020-03-02
A Special Competition Debik and deka96 have prepared a small competition - but the prizes are big!
English English @ 2020-02-18
Create-A-Track Competition! Hi guys, it's been a while, but it's time to open up your image editors - Create-A-Track is back!
English English @ 2020-02-06
Car Painting Competition #23 Another new winner! This month the challenge is a bit different...
English English @ 2020-02-03
Season 36 News, Changes and Deadlines Season 36 is less than a week away and here are the changes coming as well as the Season Series Deadlines!
English English @ 2020-01-27
Vote for the new Nations Car! In this piece of news we introduce a new feature, Surveys, with the voting of a new Nations Car to debut on season 37!
English English @ 2020-01-22
Car Painting Competition #22 A new face joined the podium last month, and it's time for 2020's first Design Competition!
English English @ 2020-01-03
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