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English November Awareness Show your Support for November Prostate Cancer Awareness campaign and other male cancer initiatives ! Lets Join Together to Fight Prostate Cancer and other male cancer initiatives to save our Balls!
on 2012-11-01 20:06:24 by kacinoman - Gillas: 8 | Betyg: 8.97)
Italiano European Series: Qualifiche Slovakiaring Dopo un non brillantissimo weekend di gara al Nurburgring, Filippo Morese cerca il riscatto nel difficile tracciato dello Slovakiaring. Si presenta a questo weekend di gara in settima posizione nella classifica della serie, ma con la convinzione di p...
on 2012-11-01 19:52:50 by FAlonso - Gillas: 1 | Betyg: 0.00)
Italiano Esordio col botto Esordio da favola per De Peppis nella rookie series. Sul circuito di Spa il 18enne talento piemontese parte settimo, ma con una gran partenza, e complice un incidente, si trova primo già al termine del primo giro. Il resto della gara è un assolo di v...
on 2012-11-01 18:34:16 by McPeppolo - Gillas: 3 | Betyg: 1.93)
English Mediterranean Series – Qualify at Paul Ricard respects the values in the Series The qualify in the 7th race of the season seems to be the mirror of the season, where De Montferrand leads with a large gap on his opponents. About 2" between him and the group Torrenti-Marone-Louis, but very short gap inside that group: about 0...
on 2012-10-31 22:05:27 by MarkLRivers - Gillas: 3 | Betyg: 3.50)
Français Qu'est-ce qui a piqué Léa Poucette ? Cette fille est incroyable! Depuis la saison 1, elle a déjà gagné 32 courses, 44 "Pôle Position", 8 courses en série, et est 13ème au général! Les performances d'aujourd'hui sont encore plus remarquables car l'équipe a dû complètement recon...
on 2012-10-31 20:01:23 by ArverneF1 - Gillas: 2 | Betyg: 3.24)
English What’s got into Léa Poucette ? This girl is incredible ! Since the season 1, she has already to her credit 32 races, 44 Pole Positions, 8 races won in series, 13th to the general! Today's performance was made even more remarkably considering the team had to completely rebuild the ...
on 2012-10-31 18:22:57 by ArverneF1 - Gillas: 3 | Betyg: 3.82)
Français Ou en est le championnat après 6 courses? La bonne nouvelle c'est qu'on a déjà 22 inscrits. Dont 11 qui ont participé à la dernière course. E.Trovitt domine le championnat avec 117 points et 3 victoires. Vient ensuite C.Van Houtte avec 85 points. Jean Fonce complète le podium avec 53 points...
on 2012-10-31 16:03:16 by Naindedieu - Gillas: 2 | Betyg: 3.41)
Latviešu Pagājušā nedēļa Latvijas sērijā... Sveiki. Pietiks rakstīt par saviem rezultātiem, jāraksta par visu sēriju. 26. un 28. oktobrī notika sacīkstes pašmāju trasē Biķerniekos. Pirmajā sacīkstē uzvaru svinēja L. Jursevskis (LAT), kurš par 4 sekundēm apsteidza otrās vietas ieguvēju A. C...
on 2012-10-30 16:54:56 by Artis15 - Gillas: 4 | Betyg: 5.26)
Polski Nr 1 w Rankingu W dniu dzisiejszym nasz kierowca został NR 1 w Rankingu kierowców! Gratulujemy i życzymy jak najdłuższej obrony pozycji. Radość tym większa, że Kubica jest kierowcą stosunkowo młodym (20 lat) i wyprzedził kierowców starszych, a co za tym idzie lepi...
on 2012-10-29 11:24:09 by komanch - Gillas: 2 | Betyg: 3.50)
English F3 Mediterranean Series, 6th Weekend The 6th weekend of the F3 Mediterranean series finished with a retirement and a 7th place for driver Fabrício Cruz. "I made a good start for the first race but then came the safety car peried, so on the restart I was somewhat distracted and c...
on 2012-10-29 11:11:22 by bornelas - Gillas: 3 | Betyg: 3.51)
Polski 2-gi wyścig w Anhembi Ależ to był wyścig! Podobnie jak w pierwszym, non stop na tor wyjeżdżał safety-car, sporo bolidów nie dojechało do mety. Nasz kierowca twardo się trzymał i nie dawał się sprowokować, aż ... na 2 okrążenia przed metą popełnił mały błąd, po czym spadł ...
on 2012-10-28 23:21:00 by komanch - Gillas: 1 | Betyg: 1.73)
English Mediterranean Series – Torrenti emerges under the Monaco’s flood: awesome win in Race 2! Awesome win for Mark L. Torrenti who, under a real flood (until 98% wet track!), grinds the opponents with a fantastic ride in Race 2. He’s confirms himself as the unique drivers of the series who gained points in every race with 7 podiums and a win...
on 2012-10-28 22:58:46 by MarkLRivers - Gillas: 3 | Betyg: 5.11)
Română O saptamana cu de toate Am inceput acasta saptamana cu cateva abandonuri in primele 15 tururi. La mijlocul saptamanii aceste abandonuri au fost indreptate incetul cu incetul deoarece am obtinut un pole position, 2 victorii si destule clasari in top 10 la final de cursa. ...
on 2012-10-28 20:25:11 by darius - Gillas: 4 | Betyg: 4.39)
English Amazing Jean Eric Vergne Jean Eric Vergne (JEV) has demonstrated since the beginning of the season the talent expected. With 38 track records, he is currently far ahead of all other drivers. This perfect speed control must now be confirmed on a whole race where the result...
on 2012-10-28 16:51:03 by JagF1 - Gillas: 3 | Betyg: 4.30)
Français Phénoménal Jean Eric Vergne Jean Eric Vergne (JEV) a démontré depuis le début de saison tout le talent qu'on attendait de lui. Avec 38 records en piste, il mène actuellement de très loin devant tous les autres pilotes et ne sera sans doute jamais rejoint. Cette parfait maîtrise...
on 2012-10-28 14:07:26 by JagF1 - Gillas: 3 | Betyg: 4.32)
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