Unprecedented Results
As Season 13 drew to a close, and Season 14 came around, many drivers took the lull in activity as an opportunity to test themselves in what is arguably the toughest arena in F3: The Single Race.
One such driver is UK rookie Jay Wellington, who no...
on 2015-06-17 03:16:56 by Adamski
Gillas: 6
Betyg: 10.44)
Wayne's World... NOT!
The latest team-RAGE single race took place in Macau, China in what should have been a thrilling race earlier this evening.
In wet conditions the race was over as soon as it started for Leonard McCoy as RAGE team-mate Bruce Wayne saw it fit to bar...
on 2015-06-17 00:59:27 by Emerald
Gillas: 6
Betyg: 10.34)
S13 National Cup - UK
Season 13 saw the first Season of the national Cup where we could see how good nations were compared to each other and see who has the best drivers.
A great feature in this series is that two races are set aside for drivers who are 21 or younger. ...
on 2015-06-16 23:51:47 by RH0258
Gillas: 8
Betyg: 14.41)
Comienza la Copa de Naciones
Hola muchacho les comento que mañana 17/06 comienza la Copa de Naciones y queria saber quien esta interesado en participar por favor deje su comentario x aca ya que estamos encima de la fecha. Para la proxima tambien ya se puede elejir pero nos anota...
on 2015-06-16 21:12:08 by Titoc84
Gillas: 4
Betyg: 3.55)
Vanderpuije takes pole at Hockenheim 1
The first qualifying of the Deutsche Tourenwagen Series season just took place at Hockenheim after a rain drenched practice session made finding a good setup exceptionally difficult for all the teams and drivers. Max Vanderpuije however had a great c...
on 2015-06-16 18:15:17 by daftkrft
Gillas: 14
Betyg: 23.31)
Slovinčina a Chovancova sa začínajú poznávať.
Po polovici sezóny sa Martina Chovancova dožadovala, aby mohla závodiť už inde, ako medzi nováčikmi. Zrejme jej stúplo na toľko ego a sebavedomie, že sa rozhodla na svojho manažéra pritlačiť. Dlhé diskusie o tom, kam ju zaradiť nemali konca. AndySmok...
on 2015-06-16 15:19:50 by AndySmokie
Gillas: 6
Betyg: 8.66)
Költözés Amerikába!-esélylatolgatások és visszatekintés az előző szezonra.
Köszöntjük olvasóinkat! A Boxutca stábja ismét felkereste Tóth Eduardot egy kis beszélgetés céljából. A fiatal magyar ismét jókedvűen nyilatkozott. Az interjút tartalmi változtatás nélkül közöljük:
Boxutca: Üdvözlünk ismételten! Örülünk, hogy ismé...
on 2015-06-16 12:32:03 by Randy22
Gillas: 2
Betyg: 3.74)
Porsche s-a impus la Le Mans. Hulkenberg a scris istorie în cursa de 24 de ore
Constructorul de automobile Porsche a câştigat a 83-ediţie a legendarei curse de 24 de ore de la Le Mans, reuşind astfel al 17-lea succes din istoria întrecerii din Franţa, după 17 ani de așteptare.
Porsche s-a impus cu echipa numărul 19, formată ...
on 2015-06-16 07:52:21 by DoRuF1
Gillas: 0
Betyg: 0.00)
Newgarden a câștigat etapa de IndyCar de la Toronto. Montoya rămâne lider!
Josef Newgarden este al treilea pilot din Indycar care obține 2 victorii în sezonul actual, după liderul general Juan Pablo Montoya și câștigătorul etapei trecute, Scott Dixon.
Duminică, în singura cursă Indycar din afara Statelor Unite - cea din ...
on 2015-06-16 07:51:42 by DoRuF1
Gillas: 0
Betyg: 0.00)
Victorie după doi ani în Nascar pentru Martin Truex jr, pe Pocono Raceway
Martin Truex jr. a pus punct, pe Pocono Raceway, unei serii de 69 de curse fără triumf. Duminică seară, unicul pilot al echipei Furniture Row a reușit doar a 3-a victorie din carieră, după 2 ani de secetă.
Succesul vine pe celebrul circuit trioval...
on 2015-06-16 07:50:47 by DoRuF1
Gillas: 0
Betyg: 0.00)
Fiul lui Schumacher și-a rupt mâna într-un accident, în timpul unei curse de F4
La puțin mai mult de o lună de când câștiga prima sa cursă în Formula 4, Mick Schumacher - fiul septuplului campion mondial la F1, Michael Schumacher - a suferit și prima accidentare serioasă a carierei: o fractură la mâna dreaptă.
Duminică, pilot...
on 2015-06-16 07:50:00 by DoRuF1
Gillas: 0
Betyg: 0.00)
Év eleji sajtóközlemény!
Az Abu-Dhabi paddockjában Zsolt meglepedt arccal így nyilatkozott!
- Hallottuk, hogy 17. helyen végeztél a második időmérődön!
- Így van ami számomra jó hely, sokak szerint nagyon gagyi hely, de szerintem igazán nagyon jó hely mert, innen is lehet ...
on 2015-06-15 20:02:08 by Zsoltika2014
Gillas: 2
Betyg: 3.51)
Another season, another review
As normal, we look at how the season has unfolded for R.Headington.
S13 F2 Oceania Series
After last Season, I set myself up to try and win the title. I knew Milo would be a hard driver to beat and thought that Reid would also put a fight up on...
on 2015-06-15 20:01:18 by RH0258
Gillas: 9
Betyg: 13.89)
Az új utánpótlás
Mától hivatalosan is az újoncokat erősíti Soós Richárd. A fiatal tehetséget mindössze 18 évesen szerződtették és sokat is várnak el tőle, hiszen 5 éves korától már az autósport szereplőjévé vált. Sokat fordult meg a gokart világába, majdnem 10 évet v...
on 2015-06-15 19:49:32 by Pezes
Gillas: 0
Betyg: 0.00)
novo piloto francisco tiago
to muito feliz de correr num carro de corrida vou me dedicar ao maximo rumo as vitorias e titulos
on 2015-06-15 14:42:55 by FranciscoTiago
Gillas: 1
Betyg: 0.18)