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Vi använder kakor för att förbättra din spelupplevelse och för att analysera vår trafik. Vi delar också infomation om ditt användande av sajten på våra sociala medier, i annonser och för analasyspartners.
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Português XXVII Campeonato Luso-Brasileiro de F3 - Inscrições Abertas!!! [S32] Estamos na última semana da temporada e as inscrições para a 27ª Edição do Campeonato Luso-Brasileiro estão abertas! Quem quiser participar deve deixar uma mensagem no fórum nacional (https://www.myracin... A entrada é gratuita. Para dar t...
on 2019-03-27 14:38:04 by ClaudioMonteiro - Gillas: 3 | Betyg: 5.81)
Nederlands 15-way series Ook in seizoen 32 mag Nederland weer mee doen aan de 15-way series. Dit keer zelfs in groep B. Om deze mooie prestatie van vorig seizoen voort te zetten hebben we weer een team nodig. In totaal mogen de 8 coureurs een ranking hebben van 12.000. ...
on 2019-03-27 08:06:33 by Pollie - Gillas: 2 | Betyg: 2.93)
English JECC Racing goes on hiatus Due to circumstances beyond our control, Michael Majeski is retiring from racing and JECC Racing is temporarily shutting down. Stay tuned for more information about when we will reopen for business...
on 2019-03-27 00:47:01 by jmknapp32 - Gillas: 1 | Betyg: 1.94)
English Driver Joseph Brady To NASC Canada Series Team Announces After Podium Finish In Russia Fresh off of a stellar third place run at NRING, in Russia, driver Joseph Brady announced that he would be moving to the NASC Canada Series in Season 32 aster taking 9th in what he called "an extremely uneven and sloppy" Season 31 in the Me...
on 2019-03-26 20:34:14 by BradKing - Gillas: 3 | Betyg: 4.31)
Slovenščina Zmaga za slovo Milan Zakrajšek je z zmago v Suzuki in naslovom svetovnega prvaka serije GT sklenil svojo dirkaško 19 letno dirkaško pot. Na njej ni manjkalo niti lovorik, saj je poleg Svetovne serije GT osvojil še Evropsko prvenstvo turnih avtomobilov in kar dva...
on 2019-03-26 15:30:04 by torbar4life - Gillas: 5 | Betyg: 9.41)
English Young Rookie Defends Stock Car Championship I raced Mini Cup from the ages of 7-11 and competed of local dirt tracks for a few years after, I attempted to transition to F3 after my father said "Grow a pair and race in real racing" The races in F3 were little more than glorified aucti...
on 2019-03-26 02:34:53 by BrayBray78 - Gillas: 2 | Betyg: 2.24)
English F3 Masters - Macau Feature Preview: It's going to be a classic 3 way fight. Not long before the championship decider at the final race of the season at Macau and I'm rushing to get this done. We have 4 drivers here fighting for the title. After Monaco, Gustav Zatacka took full command of the championship with a sprint cup wi...
on 2019-03-25 20:57:38 by ThatFPM8Guy - Gillas: 5 | Betyg: 9.64)
Slovenščina Zupančič na stopničkah Sezone v svetovni seriji turnih avtomobilov in Marko Zupančič je z drugim mestom uspel prepričljivo ubraniti tretje mesto v skupnem seštevku. Zupančič je bil odličen v zaključku dirke saj je v zadnjih dveh krogih pridobil kar tri mesta. Medtem pa Dar...
on 2019-03-25 20:53:59 by gripy - Gillas: 5 | Betyg: 9.41)
Čeština Pohár národů S31 10.týden - Utržený ze řetězu A máme zde 10.týden. Ano pro mnohé je to zklamání, ale což pak za to můžeme? Každý dělal co mu síly stačily, ale osud byl nakloněn místy v náš prospěch, ale bohužel i neúspěch. Aktuálně jsme na šestém místě. Cože až na šestém? No ano je tomu tak. ...
on 2019-03-25 20:38:29 by Ludwei - Gillas: 6 | Betyg: 11.35)
Italiano Intervista e News N.Baccaro TV2.R.Lana, ciao Nino abbiamo letto una tua news che hai firmato il contratto per la prossima stagione con un nuovo team cosa puoi dirci in merito? N.Baccaro, a voi giornalisti non sfugge niente, si è vero ho siglato un contratto con la Mosca Raci...
on 2019-03-25 20:18:48 by metroid8 - Gillas: 1 | Betyg: 1.62)
Nederlands Grand Prix of Monterey De Grand Prix of Monterey was alweer de laatste race van dit seizoen. Raymond van de Pol wist hem als 17e af te sluiten. Binnenkort wordt er meer bekend over de plannen van volgend seizoen
on 2019-03-25 18:31:24 by Pollie - Gillas: 1 | Betyg: 1.00)
Čeština Minutové hlášení - Marina Bay Opět a v této sezóně naposledy se vám hlásíme s výsledky našeho mladíčka. Po klasické kvalifikaci, kterou zajel na sedmé pozici, následovali dva závody hrůzy. Krátký závod se odehrával v nevyzpytatelném počasí s vlhkostí 35-49%, taktika naší závodn...
on 2019-03-25 15:48:43 by PDBobr - Gillas: 2 | Betyg: 3.78)
English Tex Cobb the Loveable Loser! The Houston Post ran an article today on Texas Motor sports and Nono Racing most recent rookie. But they are hardly calling him a sensation! They dubbed him the Loveable Loser! Everyone loves Him he smiles his million dollar smile even when taken ou...
on 2019-03-25 12:46:32 by TerryWilson - Gillas: 4 | Betyg: 7.65)
English Muhammad Aiman Willing to Join NASC Canada Series After gone for 3 seasons appearance, the Indonesian driver, Muhammad Aiman ready to reckon a battle with other driver to join a series. A big surprise because he intended to join NASC Canada Series. It was stated previously by Jackie Rover, the perso...
on 2019-03-25 10:27:44 by Ardan - Gillas: 5 | Betyg: 6.32)
English really don't know what crawled up your craw but this isn't the place to call people out
on 2019-03-25 04:13:26 by AlanDavis - Gillas: 1 | Betyg: 1.94)
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