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Vi använder kakor för att förbättra din spelupplevelse och för att analysera vår trafik. Vi delar också infomation om ditt användande av sajten på våra sociala medier, i annonser och för analasyspartners.
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OmBlogGenerella reglerIntegritetspolicy
Nederlands TCS Benelux Series Zolder Het tweede weekend van de TCS Benelux Series op het circuit van Zolder is voor Raymond van de Pol beter verlopen dan het eerste weekend. In de eerste race kwam hij als 5e over de finish. door een goede strategie en een beetje geluk was de tweede race...
on 2020-05-06 07:57:56 by Pollie - Gillas: 1 | Betyg: 1.79)
Português pontos de actividade Boas Gostava que alguém me tirasse uma dúvida: Para que servem os pontos de actividade que nos são dados quando fazemos login. Ainda não percebi para o que servem e gostava de saber a sua utilidade. Desde já obrigado e boas corridas.
on 2020-05-05 20:37:04 by HelderFilipeValente - Gillas: 0 | Betyg: 0.00)
English Week 1-2 Recap Hello everyone, this is the (unofficial) recap of MRC, Today we will be taking a look at what happend in the major series (F1,NASC GOLD,FE,INDY,MOTO1) ... : i did rush this and didn't pay much attention to the midfield, so F1 is the only one i actual...
on 2020-05-04 14:24:17 by Jerryinroblox - Gillas: 22 | Betyg: 34.79)
Polski Prezent na 38. urodziny 31 sezon. Azerbejdżan. Baku. 37 sezon. Azejbejdżan. Baku. Co łączy te wydarzenia? Teatrzyk geriatrzyk. W 31 sezonie pierwsze i ostatnie zwycięstwo odniósł Robert Kubica Jr. Było to zwycięstwo odniesione w wieku 36 lat. Niezły wynik, nie? W s...
on 2020-05-04 07:43:15 by Wokinger - Gillas: 7 | Betyg: 13.43)
Español El ultimo vals será mañana Después de pensar muy bien los hechos en la carrera de mi piloto he decidido en desligarme como manager. Ahora estoy en busca de otro piloto. Cuídense y que estén bien donde sea que estén. El coronavirus es un rival muy astuto pero lo vamos a derr...
on 2020-05-04 05:10:11 by marceloloeb - Gillas: 1 | Betyg: 1.84)
English Moto 1 Power Rankings - Argentine GP Second update of the season, and while the leader remains the same, the chasing pack cut the huge lead he had last week shorter. So it's ON! ;)
on 2020-05-03 21:46:57 by Tigerman - Gillas: 4 | Betyg: 4.68)
Français Un petit coucou du Japon Voilà le week end à Okayama est fini... Notre petit Jules Alesi n'ayant pas réussi une très belle qualification avec le 9e temps et plus d'une seconde derrière la pole, fut un peu trop survolté par son envie de remonter le peloton. C'est donc un ...
on 2020-05-03 19:19:00 by EmlinDaw - Gillas: 3 | Betyg: 5.78)
English The British Invitational Series is back!! Yes thats right, B.I.S is back and this season we're doing it in style, F1 style that is. As everyone is aware (unless you've been hiding under a rock in the grounds of Guy Wellingtons retirement castle in Wales) F1 won't be running a full calendar ...
on 2020-05-02 10:09:15 by mattseagull - Gillas: 10 | Betyg: 14.88)
Čeština Pohár národů S37 1.týden - Nový začátek Vítám všechny u dalšího zpravodaje z týdne A1 tentokrát už ze současné sezóny. Kvůli několika narozeninám našich bylo nutné lehce pozměnit sestavu a tudíž jsme do prvního týdne nastoupili v této sestavě vítajíc jednoho nováčka: G. Zatáčka, L. Paboučk...
on 2020-05-02 00:03:10 by Koruzi - Gillas: 7 | Betyg: 13.25)
Français SKODAmicalement Votre #7 Pour ce nouveau numéro de SKODAmicalement Votre, c’est avec un manager à l’emploi du temps très chargé que j’ai pris rendez-vous. En effet, en plus de gérer avec brio la carrière de son piloye en Formule 1, il est aussi le second assistant de l’équip...
on 2020-05-01 16:52:59 by Olivier - Gillas: 8 | Betyg: 14.26)
English Rookie Jarbas wins in China F1 GP on Ferrari Great emotions in the F1 GP of China. After a tough qualify session two rookies start in the first row: Atelsek on Porche and Jarbas on Ferrari. Atelsek, Jarbas, Morgan and Vaara decide for a 3 stops strategy while Thomazini for 2 stops. At the sta...
on 2020-05-01 15:11:09 by maxodent - Gillas: 13 | Betyg: 19.19)
English Moto 1 Power Rankings - USA GP Hi folks, first Power Ranking update of the season. And after three wins in three GP's odds are Kalinin is leading in the Power Rankings too right? Well.....ok yes, yes he is. And by a huge margin, which was also expected. Let's face it, the dude is ...
on 2020-04-30 23:30:21 by Tigerman - Gillas: 3 | Betyg: 2.87)
Français HOT NEWS : Chloé de Saint-Germain remporte le Trophée des Champions Après avoir raté la première place la saison passée d'un tout petit point, la toute jeune pilote Red Bull Racing F1 remporte le trophée des champions avec une marge de plus de 300 points sur le second ! On rappellera que le trophée des champions ...
on 2020-04-30 20:35:43 by SatF1 - Gillas: 12 | Betyg: 22.67)
English New Promising Debut Starting his career this season, Alexander Green has already shown his skills in the first race of the F3 Mediterranean Series with a top 10. The youngster is looking for more top 10 finishes this season and hopefully a podium.
on 2020-04-30 17:34:28 by JustAlesio - Gillas: 4 | Betyg: 4.93)
English Battista takes pole Sebastian Battista took pole in France and will now try to turn it into his 3rd win
on 2020-04-30 14:17:42 by SebastianBattista - Gillas: 1 | Betyg: 1.95)
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