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Vi använder kakor för att förbättra din spelupplevelse och för att analysera vår trafik. Vi delar också infomation om ditt användande av sajten på våra sociala medier, i annonser och för analasyspartners.
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Español Nueva temporada, ¿Nuevos retos? Ya terminó la temporada 39 y ha dado comienzo la temporada 40. A nivel nacional la temporada 39 estuvo cargada de éxitos por parte del equipo Pegaso, también debutaron dos jóvenes promesas como Isidre Llach y Elisabet Alemany. En los aspectos más n...
on 2020-12-10 10:26:36 by jperles - Gillas: 7 | Betyg: 12.41)
English WRS3: Monte Carlo, Day 1 & 2 MRC's venture into sideways driving kicked off in the historic mountains of Monte Carlo, with the first of four stages on Day 1 at Bréziers leading off an accumulative 98km blast through the icey roads. As many had expected, it was the series top...
on 2020-12-09 18:53:44 by Adamski - Gillas: 9 | Betyg: 15.62)
English Nasc Truck Series Heading out of season 39 and into season 40, Ema Dillinger brings in high hopes into this season with her newly founded teammate Alex Kiester. Ema is exstatic to get this season underway, and thrilled for another season of vigorous racing. Ema is exc...
on 2020-12-08 16:16:02 by NightSlasher - Gillas: 8 | Betyg: 11.38)
English FIA giving prize ceremony for season 39 Formula One: M.Novikov won the championship, and McLaren F1 Team won the constructor title. Special Prize: the top march squatter: M.Novikov with 9 wins. The Speedy boy: C de Saint-Germain with 7 pole lap. The Flash: I Szabo with 4 fastest la...
on 2020-12-08 09:13:07 by EmlinDaw - Gillas: 5 | Betyg: 8.06)
Italiano Presentazione Ufficiale Piloti "Prema Powerteam" Season 40 Vi scrivo questo articolo in veste di nuovo Presidente dell'Associazione Italiana! Ringrazio ancora tutti voi della fiducia che mi avete dato per gestire al meglio la nostra Nazione! La scorsa Stagione ho voluto far entrare a far parte delle corse...
on 2020-12-08 04:24:48 by RossanoArtuso - Gillas: 7 | Betyg: 10.02)
Slovenščina Vidmar ostaja v Formuli E Prvenstvo Formule E se je končalo in po treh sezonah imamo ponovno novega prvaka. To je postal Britanec Avery Carter, ki bo poskušal naslov ubraniti tudi v prihajajoči sezoni. Prav tako, v Formuli E ostaja tudi Blaž Vidmar, čeprav se je med sezono...
on 2020-12-07 23:50:05 by Clunker - Gillas: 4 | Betyg: 7.18)
English Alex Keisters First Full Season Season 40 is going to be Alex keisters first full season. It will also be my first full season as a manager. We have signed with Nightflight for the season 40 NASC truck series. I have been working with my driver. I wish to everyone a good season.
on 2020-12-07 18:23:38 by kman901 - Gillas: 2 | Betyg: 2.22)
Slovenščina Dvojna krona za McLaren S preizkušnjo v Abu Dhabiju se je prejšnji vikend zaključila sezona Formule 1. Sezona 39 je postregla z 21 dirkami začenši z Veliko nagrado Avstralije. Sezona je bila dolga in zanimiva, na koncu pa je prvak ostal prvak. Michael Damon Novikov je namre...
on 2020-12-07 16:23:07 by torbar4life - Gillas: 5 | Betyg: 9.11)
English Season 39 Preview, Season 40 Preview Well, Season 39 has ended, and so has Harrison Meyer’s rookie season, as well as his manager’s, NotSoGood88. He had a not quite HOF-caliber season, but he was not expected to. He got accepted to the Indy Series, though he had to spend lots of money t...
on 2020-12-07 15:48:14 by NotSoGood88 - Gillas: 4 | Betyg: 4.82)
Magyar Visszatérőből fordító, valamint az összefoglaló sorsa - Rayzor Blog #3 Közel két év után íme a Rayzor Blog 3. része, amelyben szó lesz az azóta történt eseményekről és a 38. évad óta jelentkező cikksorozatról is. A visszavonulás előtt Soltész Áron első A1GP-s futama előtt írtam legutóbb, amelyet Brnoban rendeztek me...
on 2020-12-07 15:12:41 by rayzor06 - Gillas: 2 | Betyg: 3.81)
Čeština Poháru národů S39 9. týden - Nejhorší týden, který pamatuji Nová sezóna již sice začala, ale my si dneska uděláme takové „Zpátky do minulosti“ a podíváme se na 9. týden závodů v Poháru národů ze sezóny 39. V předchozím týdnu se našim zpočátku dařilo, ale následně se nám začala lepit smůla na paty a bylo z vět...
on 2020-12-07 12:03:51 by Koruzi - Gillas: 2 | Betyg: 3.74)
Italiano [Rate] Round 4-5-6-7-8 Pas De La Casa (AND)/Nassau (BAH)/Oscar Y Juan Galvez 9 (ARG)/Lviv (UKR)/Izmir (TUR) e Classifica Finale! Dall'ultimo articolo delle gare del "Racing Team Young" è passato un bel po di tempo! Cercherò di essere il più sintetico possibile per commentare gli ultimi 5 round e stilare la classifica finale! ROUND 4 PAS DE LA CASA (AND) Gara 1: 1...
on 2020-12-07 03:27:44 by RossanoArtuso - Gillas: 5 | Betyg: 7.92)
Nederlands Mooie resultaten in de A1GP Raymond van de Pol heeft zijn U21 periode in de A1GP mooi kunnen afsluiten. In het laatste race weekend wist hij de sprintrace te winnen. Ook in de Hoofdrace wist hij het podium te halen. Mede door deze resultaten maar vooral door het sterke begin...
on 2020-12-06 22:39:55 by Pollie - Gillas: 3 | Betyg: 4.36)
English Season 40 review This season has ended, so it's time to give a short review from my point of view. First of all, I would like to thank McLaren the opportunity, and especially MrMonaco for the helpful conversations. The team is really great, and the communication i...
on 2020-12-06 20:34:03 by argo001 - Gillas: 11 | Betyg: 20.65)
English Zut Alors! Warren heads to France for debut season British driver Jake Warren will spend his first full season of car racing in France, after electing to race in the French F4 Series for the coming season. The decision to pass on the normal route of the Rookie Series for new drivers was not an eas...
on 2020-12-06 14:17:50 by Fizzipop - Gillas: 6 | Betyg: 10.07)
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