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Pressmeddelanden - Ferrari asks to Fans and Shareholders to donate voting points

Ferrari asks to Fans and Shareholders to donate voting points

Season 43 is coming and Ferrari is concentrating all its efforts in the new challenge. In order to increse the resources needed to improve the competitivity of the team, Ferrari asks to all fans and shareholder to do a concrete action: donate voting points.
Donation of voting points is simply and costless: each manager can do it going in the section "Promoting the game" - "Vote for us" - select the team in the box "Donate voting points to F1 team" and click on botton "Donate".
Total amount of voting points collected by teams can really make the difference and can potentally drive the result of a F1 Championship.
If you want to support Ferrari, this the most effective way to do it!
Thanks to all the supporters and let's enjoy the coming season!

on 2021-07-19 10:43:20 by maxodent
Gillas: 5 | Betyg: 7.79

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