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Zemco going strong!

Zemco starts season 5 F3 Eastern European Series with a pole. After finishing Season 4 on 2nd place, Zemco gives his best to beat Gerasimov on pole for the first race in season 5. Superb cornering and good pace was shown already in session 1 when Zemco led by more than 1 second. The long rest in the off-season period paid off for Zemco and he easily went on pole on this event.
Driving with the same tyres in session two, he improved his pace and went into 1:28s. While the rest of the grid could not match his pace, they still improved and they are .3 seconds off his pace in the qualifying. Nevertheless it will be a close session.
After the Qualifying Zemco stated that he needs to improve his pace in section 3 and have a good start in order to outpace his opponenets for the first place in the opening session of the F3 Eastern European Series, The long anticipated Moscow race.
Despite finishing second in Season 4, Zemco had a very good show throughout that season and expects to clinch the Season championship this time around.

2013-07-25 08:35:00 zemco
Лайки: 1 | Рейтинг: 0.67

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