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Пресс-релиз - Vitaphone97 presents: An interview with DebiK, creator of MyRacingCareer.com

Vitaphone97 presents: An interview with DebiK, creator of MyRacingCareer.com

1.How was the idea created to make and design MyRacingCareer.com?

I was developer of one other project before I started MRC. During that times I was thinking about other sports and motorsport is one of my favourites. I also think that I kind of understand the sport, therefore it is ideal. There is one motorsport game I used to play where you take care of your driver, tactcs and strategy. But there was something missing. And that is the career part, long term commitment. So that is why this game comes to my mind.

2. Did you start designing alone, or did you already have some help from the start?

From the start I did it all alone, but later some helpers offered help. I have now guys who helps with the graphics part of the game, and also one who helps with the code. And one who is not developing but helps to run the game.

3. Did you already have to kick someone from the FORUM, if yes, for what reason then?

Actually I dont remember that. I dont think I ever kicked somebody from forums or from the game for inappropriate behaviour. Only for multiplaying.

4. Is there someone of the site that you see a real racing driver manager in, or is that just being much on the site?

Well there are we people who really have been racing before. I am not sure if someone from them is still active in real world. This game would not be interesting for someone who does not have passion for motorsport. If you have passion there is high probability that you were close to racing.

5. Final question, Can you give us an idea what the plans for a new cup in Season 4 are?

Well we are almost ready for NASCAR. We need to finish some tracks which are not yet created. We are trying to find good timing for Formula 1 launch, we want build some kind of strong community before that, so as many as possible people have chance to be co-owner of F1 team. We will see...

2013-02-16 15:38:36 vitaphone97
Лайки: 13 | Рейтинг: 17.05

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