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Пресс-релиз - Carson Wrecks holds off Trincao and wins Barcelona Race 2

Carson Wrecks holds off Trincao and wins Barcelona Race 2

Carson Wrecks was the winner of Race 2 in Barcelona, ​​ahead of Trincao, both recovered from the grid reversal and finished at the front again, Mercedes Stermitz closed the podium, making a consistent weekend in Barcelona.

Official Race 2 Results:

Having reached the middle of the calendar, the "Close Gap Trophy" advances to the second half and the decisions will be made, at Donington in the next round, to close the Trophy on the Estoril circuit.

CGT Standings

2024-04-28 10:51:21 LeKiD17
Лайки: 2 | Рейтинг: 3.15

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