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Пресс-релиз - F-4 Europe regional series half season review

F-4 Europe regional series half season review

season 53 is already in full swing
Today about F-4 regional series, which are less discussed.

Alpine series F-4 continues to lead as in previous seasons Ramon Haecki II froam Switzerland. He win all Qualification and race. Second Vincent Toutain to France, the third polish Jurek Oprych.Only 10 points separate the second and third places.It's an interesting second half of the season interesting.
Balkan series a fierce battle takes place between China Wei Du and American Victoria Eller
Czechoslovak Series last year's runner-up George Veliky II Leads against Formula 3 former participant Pavel Zeman
Eastern European Series after a successful race Chaika began to leadv Nikita Mazepin,the second Estonian who did not finish Chaika Jüri Raudsik, third Andrіy Kukuruza

Mediterranean Series a fierce fight takes place between the Italian Andrea Veloce and Slovenia Matjaž Kralj II they are fighting for the first place in the championship

Nordic series the fight takes place between as many as 4 participants. Finland's Rauno Ahvonen leads but for a long time his compatriot took precedence Tuomas Leva, third Lithuanian Egis Tomas.

Here is the first overview of the European regional F-4 series' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>' style='width:450px'>

2023-10-09 18:41:24 gabrieliuys20
Лайки: 11 | Рейтинг: 15.33

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