Now that S27 is in the books, we can look back and let you know that that season was particularly rough for our team. Despite having a strong WAR machine we were hit with the RNG bad luck more often than ‘expected’ and with that we fell short of our ...
pe 2018-06-02 15:02:33 de către toturi
Aprecieri: 7
Evaluare: 11.88)
Usa los colores de Ferrari en tu coche!
Si eres aficionado de Ferrari y quieres llevar en tu coche los colores de tu equipo, ahora lo puedes hacer bajándote cualquiera de los diseños para tu F3:
-F3 Mygale:
https://s7.postimg... Arttech:
https://s7.postimg... Dallara:
pe 2018-06-02 10:55:59 de către JordiMontané
Aprecieri: 5
Evaluare: 7.28)
Wear the Ferrari colours on your car!
If you're a Ferrari fan and you'd like to show your support, you can now put the official Ferrari team livery on your F3 car! Just download the one suiting your chassis:
-F3 Mygale:
https://s7.postimg... Arttech:
https://s7.postimg... Dall...
pe 2018-06-02 10:53:26 de către JordiMontané
Aprecieri: 4
Evaluare: 7.43)
Porta els colors de Ferrari al teu cotxe!
Si ets seguidor de Ferrari i vols dur al cotxe els colors del teu equip, ara ho pots fer baixant-te qualsevol dels dissenys per al teu F3:
-F3 Mygale:
https://s7.postimg... Arttech:
https://s7.postimg... Dallara:
https://s7.postimg... Lo...
pe 2018-06-02 10:51:05 de către JordiMontané
Aprecieri: 4
Evaluare: 7.43)
I would like to remind you,, Your getting Politcal
I said Nothing about US Law.. But like the other post,... KEEP YOUR POLITICAL Views to social media! This a Game a Racing game . Nobody cares about your Political views Nor mine! Is that pretty simple.. Once again READ forum Rules! It applies Univ...
pe 2018-06-02 03:01:54 de către TerryWilson
Aprecieri: 5
Evaluare: 9.42)
Eliseo Salazar y sus primeros pasos en la Monster Energy Nascar Cup Series
Eliseo Salazar ha estado muy acomodado a los autos stocks
Les a gustado desde el principio, no se puede pedir mucho, es su primer año en la categoria norteamericana, pero ha logrado colectar valiosos puntos para el campeonato.
Nosotros teniamos la ...
pe 2018-06-02 02:26:20 de către marceloloeb
Aprecieri: 2
Evaluare: 2.38)
Primeira rodada da 7ª Copa do Brasil
E começou a 7ª Copa do Brasil. Os primeiros resultados parciais são estes:
A01 | Relâmpago 0x0 W.O.
A02 | Juca Macieira 10x20 Fernando van der Prass
A03 | Alex Reis 9x14 Emerson Tutu
A04 | Rafael Mitovani 15x22 Bernardo Reckziegel
A05 | Luiz T...
pe 2018-06-01 21:43:57 de către Rogerius
Aprecieri: 1
Evaluare: 1.85)
If You're Gonna Play in Texas
That's the title of a great song by Alabama and for those that haven't heard it it goes like this:
"If you're gonna play in Texas, you got to have a fiddle in the band"
Now after reading TerryWilson's reaction, I've got a new version ...
pe 2018-06-01 19:37:39 de către EugeneBellamy
Aprecieri: 6
Evaluare: 11.37)
Àngel Holguera torna als monoplaces
L'extremeny de 24 anys es disposa a disputar la seva primera temporada a la Fórmula 2 Sud-americana després d'una regular campanya al DTWS plena de resultats mediocres.
Després d'una complicada decisió que es va prendre 1 minut abans d'aparèixer l...
pe 2018-06-01 19:11:42 de către nicorz
Aprecieri: 4
Evaluare: 6.79)
Ángel Holguera vuelve a los monoplazas
El extremeño de 24 años se dispone a disputar su primera temporada en la Fórmula 2 Sudamericana tras una regular campaña en el DTWS plagada de resultados mediocres.
Después de una complicada decisión que se tomó 1 minuto antes de aparecer la lista...
pe 2018-06-01 18:59:48 de către nicorz
Aprecieri: 3
Evaluare: 4.70)
Pilótanapló 1 - Az első teljes évad
Mikor a 26. évad végén leszerződtem Verdikéhez, azt ígérte nekem, hogy legendás bajnokot farag belőlem. Ekkor döntöttem, hogy pilóta-pályafutásom legfontosabb mozzanatait naplószerűen fogom feljegyezni. Ha tényleg legenda lesz belőlem, akkor eme na...
pe 2018-06-01 15:53:11 de către Verdike
Aprecieri: 2
Evaluare: 1.77)
IX Superbike: R1 Zandvoort
E a nova edição da Superbike começou com um hattrick do atual pentacampeão Roger Relâmpago, que registrou a pole position, volta mais rápida e venceu a etapa em Zandvoort. Bruno Corrêa chegou em segundo e Asdrubal Pinto completou o pódio.
Tivemos ...
pe 2018-06-01 15:28:40 de către Rogerius
Aprecieri: 1
Evaluare: 1.85)
Rules about forum posts apply also to press releases!
Forum rules are simple:
- No spam
- No vulgar words
- No breaking laws
- No offending other users
- No advertising unless allowed by creators
1. Users can talk about anything if they follow these rules.
2. If a user breaks these rule...
pe 2018-06-01 06:07:23 de către TerryWilson
Aprecieri: 5
Evaluare: 9.50)
D'Angelo to Go Orange In Texas
James D'Angelo has announced he and his team will be sporting orange stripes on their uniforms for the June 1st race at the Circuit of The Americas.
The stripes are for "Wear Orange Day", an event to draw attention to gun violence. The...
pe 2018-05-31 23:19:58 de către JamesDAngelo
Aprecieri: 7
Evaluare: 11.16)
What not to write about here!
It been weeks since I saw something written in an article I found hugely distasteful! Simply put your real life political views nobody cares about. So lets stick to racing in our little world.. Our world has always been a much brighter place then r...
pe 2018-05-31 06:32:09 de către TerryWilson
Aprecieri: 3
Evaluare: 5.73)