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Comunicate de presă - It may be time for me to leave this game

It may be time for me to leave this game

I have enjoyed this game for many years now. I considered it best play for free game Until now.. The cap on starting skills and the approach to reduce learning rate is Totally unfair for the future. Every manager desires the right to an equal and balanced game.. For a chance to break the records or the drivers of the past. These changes will forever prevent that. The changes in the series removal of F2 series to usher in no pit series at the expense of team Racing is Unfair..

I have tried to explain this and been tried to be to look like a fool for standing up for what is fair and right for all.. Players leave for many reasons I was sad to see all of them go.

There is No way that starting skill of 80 intel and 80 man with 18 yo 10 season from now can ever have a chance to compare with The Germains the Novikovs and The Rapidos of the past.. Nor will they be able to have a chance of the Track Records of Woeger! My future driver will not be even be able to beat my own Driver history of 15 tracks records that Foyt still holds and he was NEVER all 100 skills..

Yet with the reduced learning rate and skill caps who can say their future driver will be better then driver they have now.. Who can say they managed that future driver better.. How can they look a New managers afterwards and say they done a better job managing then new Comers.. They cannot becuases their drivers was created with reduced learning and skill cap..

The skill learning is not broken from simply just learning to fast. It is broken from Manipulation of no pits series getting extra Intensive trainings.. Since I am not able to make the community see that.. Since Debik will not change that imbalance instead caps skill reduces learning rate.. I just cannot be a part this game.

pe 2020-01-25 11:09:14 de către TerryWilson
Aprecieri: 6 | Evaluare: 9.62
Reacții la aceste comunicat de presă

My Friend you are not the first

pe 2020-01-26 20:51:13 de către AlanDavis - Aprecieri: 1 | Scor: 1.949

And you probably wont be the last you have opened a lot of eyes around here not only mine. I have watched a lot of my friends in this game get frustrated and walk away 4 in the last season and I predict more to follow it has been so much trial and er...

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