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Comunicate de presă - Important Message for NMA Presidents

Important Message for NMA Presidents

The new calendar for the Nation's Cup goes live in just 2 and a half weeks! I certainly cannot wait, and I'm sure you are too!

Approximately 3 months ago I went around to each and every President for their country's NMA (National Motorsport Association) and received 2 nominated circuits from them. Some managers selected two tracks straight off the bat, whilst others took a more Democratic approach with their fellow countrymen.

Most of these tracks have remained unchanged ever since they were submitted. However I'd like to express to you now that there is still time to revise your nation's circuits for the next Nation's Cup. I've decided just recently upon talks with DebiK himself that this message needed to be shared amongst the MRC community.

As for time constraints, you guys will strictly have until day Day 73 to send me a message regarding any changes you wish to make for the new season. Any changes you wish to send through after this time will be prepared for the following season.

Finally, if your country's president is unable to access this message in the English Press Releases, I'm also posting this in the National Association's chat for you to pass on the message to the president, and translate if required.

I look forward to next season as much as you all do for more than one reason, and I hope we all enjoy healthy battles on track! See you in the padock, and please raise your voice if you have any concerns!

pe 2016-04-03 05:38:04 de către LittleMLO
Aprecieri: 5 | Evaluare: 8.64
Reacții la aceste comunicat de presă

How about All tracks!

pe 2016-04-07 01:29:10 de către TerryWilson - Aprecieri: 3 | Scor: 5.185

Why not allow all tracks before listing nobody is changing their tracks.. America has the greatest Ovals in world. But this ruling says to keep with traditional track selections.. I think player made fictous tracks being allowed in Nations cup so sh...

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