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Comunicate de presă - Kirk Breaks the DNF streak with a Deserved Podium.

Kirk Breaks the DNF streak with a Deserved Podium.

Riley Kirk Has now 3 podiums in 5 races, he finished the 36 lap race in P3 after a battle with L. Jameson ends in tears for Jameson after a Collision means he had DNFed, Luckily, Riley and Jameson were far enough ahead that they probably couldve drove a little more cautiously and both couldve completed the race. Race Stewards are looking into who is at fault but it wont affect race results unless Riley Kirk is Disqualified. The race was put to bed at the first pitstops with two very well versed formula drivers. Riley Kirk was 5th in Qualifyigng and was in no mans land for most of the race.

pe 2024-04-01 00:03:23 de către degraded
Aprecieri: 3 | Evaluare: 4.12

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