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Comunicate de presă - Miller and Guerra like... Hamilton and Verstappen?!?

Miller and Guerra like... Hamilton and Verstappen?!?

It is quite funny... but there are some analogies between what happen one week ago in Abu Dabi in real life and what we are seeing in MRC in the last Formula 1 GP of the season.

Miller, the expert driver who lead the Champioship standing for all the season. Guerra, the fast rookie who took 8 poles and a lot of track records.

In the "last dance" in Abu Dabi, Guerra will start from the pole with Miller second. The gap between the two drivers in the Championship is 24 points, so for Miller it would be sufficient to takes 2 points for the win. But Miller has another mission to complete, Red Bull is competing with Ferrari for the Constructors title, so the Russian ace has to take at least a podium to help his team.

Nothing to lose, on the other side, for Guerra. The "Red Rocket" will probably have full power from Ferrari to try the desperate come back.

And Micheal Masi? Will he try againg something special at the end of the race?

"I know very well Miller" said Max Del Ragno, Ferrari Manager "It will not be easy to beat him tomorrow. I would prefer to have also Torvalds (Red Bull) and Kubica (Ferrari) in the front in order to fight for Constructor title in standard conditions, but their Q3 were affected by errors. With Kubica starting from 9th position everything is much complicated for us, but, you know, never say nerver"

pe 2021-12-18 20:51:54 de către maxodent
Aprecieri: 11 | Evaluare: 21.04

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