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Thank You Bradley Bundy

Thankyou Bradley Bundy for all that you have done. You have made series to help other drivers get better. You also have helped URSA do better in the Nations cup. You also have helped new players. This will be a tough lost for the ursa. One of the best managers not just in the URSA but in all of MRC. Best of luck.


pe 2021-02-18 20:04:11 de către kman7
Aprecieri: 9 | Evaluare: 13.85
Aceasta este reacția la următorul comunicat de presă:

It's Over 5 Strikes and I am calling it quits.

pe 2021-02-18 04:48:11 de către BradleyBundy - Aprecieri: 8 | Scor: 12.715

Manager Bradleybundy is calling it quits cause of constant rule changes combination of not discussed or changed at the last minute. I was entering into Moto 1 today didn't get into the field cause I only had 28k I get that if there was 26 drivers ...

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