Știri MyRacingCareer
Next Two Weeks
Hello everybody, today I just want to let you know that tomorrow I am going for a vacation and flipers is already on vacation from today. So don't expect many new things here during next two weeks. But prepare yourself for a huge improvements after that time :)
English @ 2011-08-22
Competition: Movie About MyRacingCareer.com
We want to make a lot of fun for you, so we are trying to find more ways how to do that :) This time we will try a competition where you can use all your creativity and computer skills...
English @ 2011-08-10
Informatii despre Formula 1 si Super liciente
In fiecare saptamana aducem imbunatatiri majore asupra jocului. Am adaugat deja pe pagina principala un nou tab: Birou.
Insa in articolul urmator vom vorbi despre altceva.
Română @ 2011-08-04
Stiri despre Dezvoltare 24-07-2011
Salutare din Bratislava. Nu intr-o vacanta exotica...inca. Acasa e bine cea ce inseamna ca am putut aduce imbunatatiri jocului in ultima saptamana. Cititi mai multe in articolul urmator.
Română @ 2011-07-25
Stiti despre Dezvoltare 15.07.2011
Buna ziua din nou. Săptămâna trecută a fost una dura, nu am fost on-line timp de 5 zile, deci nu s-a lucrat la dezvoltarea jocului în timpul acestor zile. Vestea bună este că nu au existat probleme cu jocul în acest timp.
Română @ 2011-07-15
Stiri Despre Dezvoltare 05-07-2011
Salutare, toată lumea! Am terminat multe lucruri noi în ultima vreme, şi dorim să adăugăm mai multe în curând :).
Verificaţi acest articol pentru mai multe informaţii interesante despre aceasta ...
Română @ 2011-07-05
First race
On 27 June 2011 was an important date for the project. This started the first day of qualifying races RacingCareer.com.
English @ 2011-06-28
News About Development 2011-06-20
Beta version launched! That is the only important news I want to tell you today. Read more info about what we want to do next in this article!
English @ 2011-06-20
News About Development 2011-06-14
First race for testers is done!!! That is the first thing I want to let you know today, but not the last one!
English @ 2011-06-14
News About Development 2011-06-05
Hello again. Today we have some good news for you, and something new to be shown too! Check out more inside the article :)
English @ 2011-06-05