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English First pole position for Red Bul in Formula one ! The Indy Champion Philippe de Saint-Germain Jr has obtained the first F1 pole position ! The red bull racing Vaillante F1 team is very proud of this result and wish to congratulate all the employees of the team that have done an estonishing job in...
em 2014-05-23 23:38:17 por JordanF1 - Gostos: 4 | Rating: 4.94)
English Rui B. Martins signs for F2. One step larger than his leg? Rui B. Martins has just announced he has signed for the F2 North American Series this upcoming season. The ambitious fast driver moves into a more competitive scenario right on his third competitive season. After finishing second in the F3 Portuguese...
em 2014-05-23 19:37:19 por toturi - Gostos: 3 | Rating: 4.02)
English Before Starting Formula One ! I would like to get some official explications. 1) Zöggeler drive for Chipper racing in Formula One, OK. 2) Zöggeler is Fan of Mercedes team ??? I am surprised ! 3) Zöggeler made a donation of 1 million to Mercedes ??? I am surprised ! 4)...
em 2014-05-23 18:15:55 por Promocourse - Gostos: 4 | Rating: 7.20)
Italiano Primo successo nel Trophy Si chiude con grande soddisfazione, anche se con un pizzico di rimpianto per la vittoria sfumata in F2W, ma questo non può offuscare una grande stagione come questa ottava di MRC dove sono stati battuti numerosi record ed è arrivata la prima vittoria...
em 2014-05-23 12:03:49 por Hakudoshi - Gostos: 0 | Rating: 0.00)
English Red Bull Racing present their car - RB09 Red Bull Racing today announced their car specifications for MRC's 9th F1 season. It was challenge for them to present top 2 french drivers with the best car. But they overcome this challenge and the season is looking good for them. Car Specificat...
em 2014-05-22 22:01:49 por Dhawan - Gostos: 10 | Rating: 12.01)
Italiano UFFICIALE: Muzzio in NASCAR! E' dunque ufficiale anche il ritorno di Muzzio nella serie degli ovali! Il problema delle skill non adatte non è stato ovviamente risolto, data la veneranda età del pilota, ma si spera che la mancanza di molti piloti top, che hanno preso la via dell...
em 2014-05-22 11:35:50 por ciccioz - Gostos: 1 | Rating: 1.78)
Italiano Stagione 9 - Ritorno alla Nascar Si conclude una stagione molto travagliata per De Peppis, una stagione che, se riassunta in una parola sola, ha un'unica definizione: DELUSIONE. Le aspettative erano molte dopo le oltre 60 vittorie dello scorso anno e la buona stagione in Nascar, ...
em 2014-05-22 11:07:00 por McPeppolo - Gostos: 4 | Rating: 6.35)
Italiano Bilancio Prima Stagione Prima stagione per Roberto Pentas che parte forte conquistando subito la prima e attualmente unica pole in carriera nella prima gara delle Rookie Series nel Misano. Stagione che è segnata da alti e bassi con il raggiungimento di qualche podio. All'...
em 2014-05-21 16:00:46 por robertpentas - Gostos: 1 | Rating: 1.00)
English Overview: F1 drivers in Season 9 Only a few days until the new season starts. I try to give a quick overview over the F1 drivers in the next season and how they stand in world rankings. Read to the end to read a few quick facts i discovered while writing this overview. Formula 1 ...
em 2014-05-21 15:17:29 por messi4h - Gostos: 23 | Rating: 33.65)
Deutsch Andi Bernie bester Rookie in Flippers Cup & Kritik an Rookie Serie. Nchdem er schon in der offiziellen Rookie Serie einen respektablen 8.Platz (gegen Fahrer die schon alle weit mehr Saisonen gefahren sind) erringen konnte, liegt er nun auch im Flippers Cup auf Rang 6. Vor ihm wieder nur Fahrer für einen Rookie nicht ...
em 2014-05-21 14:52:26 por Andrus - Gostos: 5 | Rating: 6.31)
English More F1 cars revealed! Both OMR and McLaren have revealed their cars. This leaves only Mercedes, Windsor, LKR and Williams still keeping their car(d)s close to their proverbial chest. According to Williams spokeperson, looni, their car will be ready by Sunday. McLaren h...
em 2014-05-21 09:45:09 por OlioLento - Gostos: 13 | Rating: 18.49)
English MALAYSIA TEAM TECHM in future Kuala Lumpur, Founded and Team Manager to speak at the media in press conference today about the future in world of international motorsports. He say "IT JUST A BEGINNING OF MALAYSIA".
em 2014-05-21 08:32:21 por TechM01 - Gostos: 1 | Rating: 1.74)
Slovenčina Je po sezone v národných majstrovstvách Skončila sa sezóna v Slovenskej národnej sérii a pretekár D.Marko sa umiestnil na krásnom 4-om mieste. Začiatok série bol celkom nešťastný so sériou vypadnutí, Neskor sa výkony stabilizovali a Marko začal pravidelne ybierať body. Pre yisk 4-eho miest...
em 2014-05-20 22:48:02 por tradicio - Gostos: 3 | Rating: 5.09)
Latviešu treknais punkts sezonai Heyyy, pēdējā nedēļa klāt! Manas rookie series beigušās, ne gluži kā vēlējos, bet nekas, gan jau nākamgad F3LV series ies labāk. Tagad svarīgākais ir krāt reitingu, kas dos labākus sponsorus, kas ienesīs komandā naudiņu. Naudiņu netērēšu kā baltkriev...
em 2014-05-20 21:36:05 por kretins - Gostos: 1 | Rating: 0.95)
Čeština Gratulace manažera týmu Jordan Grand Prix Samozřejmě velká gratulace k úspěšné sezóně. Dokázal si, že dokážeš být úspěšný na všech typech okruhů. Taky bych vyzdvihnul tvou velkou psychickou odolnost, když si dokázal hodit za hlavu desátý závod a v Montrealu to všem natřel :) Tým Jordan je hr...
em 2014-05-20 16:54:13 por KazikluBey - Gostos: 3 | Rating: 5.17)
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