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English McLaren Season 11 Recap Hey everyone, Season 11 is over and it’s time for another end of season update. F1 Season The third F1 season was the most exiting by now. We have a new champion, Philippe de Saint-Germain Jr of Red Bull, who beat OMR’s Andre Acarini by one po...
em 2015-01-08 18:45:50 por messi4h - Gostos: 7 | Rating: 11.49)
Deutsch Fahrerupdate Wolf Woeger Nach überstandener Namensdiskussion, für die sich Fahrer Wolf Woeger herzlich beim anonymen Anzeige-spender bedanken möchte (räusper), aber auch letztlich bei Edis und Arskap für die positive Diskussion, liegt der Fokus wieder bei der weiteren Karrie...
em 2015-01-08 11:43:44 por PaleRider - Gostos: 2 | Rating: 3.23)
English Williams season 11 in a nutshell Season 11 was the best season in Williams' history. The season was full of excitement and good performance by both of the drivers, Laine and Kauria. During the two previous seasons Williams has been able to score points only in a few races, but now i...
em 2015-01-08 09:54:44 por looni - Gostos: 8 | Rating: 14.44)
Suomi Williamsin kausi 11 pähkinänkuoressa Kausi 11 oli Williamsin historian paras kausi, ehdottomasti. Kausi oli täynnä jännitystä ja hyviä suorituksia molempien kuljettajien, Laineen ja Kaurian toimesta. Kahden edeltävän kauden aika Williams ei yltänyt pisteille muutamaa satunnaista kertaa ...
em 2015-01-08 09:53:39 por looni - Gostos: 4 | Rating: 6.87)
Português [F1] WAR - Luz verde a melhorias futuras A época 11 coroou um novo campeão na F1! a OMR não conseguiu liderar um dos seus prestigiados pilotos à glória, apesar te terem saído vencedores no campeonato de construtores. Todo o crédito vai para o Philippe de Saint-Germain Jr pela sua campanha f...
em 2015-01-07 18:25:19 por toturi - Gostos: 7 | Rating: 10.83)
Português moedas? to tentando comprar moedas mas quando eu aperto na pagina pra comprar nao ta carregando a pagina pra eu colocar os dados do cartao alguem me ajuda por favor
em 2015-01-07 11:16:35 por DouglasAndrade - Gostos: 0 | Rating: 0.00)
Suomi Kausi 11 ja mitä jäi käteen. "Kaudesta jäi käteen enemmän, kuin osattiin toivoa: 2.sija. Eestin sarjan taso oli yllättävän kova, mutta silti olin 2. paras siellä. Seuraavalla kaudella ajetaankin Itä-Euroopassa ja kovaa saadaankin ajaa vastaavanlaisen menestyksen saavuttamis...
em 2015-01-07 07:15:20 por Petu_ - Gostos: 6 | Rating: 9.65)
English [F1] WAR - Green light for future improvements Season 11 crowned a new champion on F1! OMR failed to lead one of their acclaimed pilots to glory despite winning the Constructors Championship. All credit goes to Philippe de Saint-Germain Jr for his amazing season, winning a thrilling season with a...
em 2015-01-06 18:38:32 por toturi - Gostos: 18 | Rating: 31.45)
Magyar Szezonértékelő Tóth Eduardoval Eltelt egy szezon. Egy szezon, amely valakinek az első volt. Az első lépés a hosszú úton. A Boxutca stábja Tóth Eduardoval emlékezett vissza az előző szezonra. Boxutca: Túl vagy az első szezonodon. Mit érzel most, milyen volt? Eduardo: Remekül ...
em 2015-01-06 17:26:15 por Randy22 - Gostos: 3 | Rating: 3.96)
English Contest prizes increased Contest prizes increased Because of the great response of all our contests the prizes have been increased. The donations contest was finished in 24 hours. This amazed me at how quickly it finalized. And our voting points contest is also having...
em 2015-01-06 16:03:44 por ArkAngel - Gostos: 3 | Rating: 4.73)
Suomi Kausi 11 ja mukavasti menestystä Kirjoittelin viime kauden päätteeksi jotain kaudesta ja päätin jatkaa traditiota. Kausi oli Sammalluksen uran neljäs. Treenissä saavutettiin vauhdin ja ajolinjan puolella maksimi tasot, mikä ilmeisesti näkyi radalla. Kausisarjassa saavutettiin ens...
em 2015-01-06 08:31:21 por Shami - Gostos: 3 | Rating: 5.35)
English Hilton - This Season Was Beyond Anything I Expected We here at NBC Sports have been observing one of our top ranked young guns in the USA, and the young gun in question in Kasey Hilton. Yes, that surname might seem to spell fame and trouble due to his family's past, but don't let that deter you. Our r...
em 2015-01-06 05:52:59 por mach5 - Gostos: 2 | Rating: 3.24)
English Brandon Knight Struck by Lightning? In what has become a deluge of retirements recently one of the more suprising ones could well be that of young hotshot Brandon Knight. Just days after taking victory in the final race of the Road Rage custom series the Young Driver has been released...
em 2015-01-05 22:21:32 por Wresdan - Gostos: 9 | Rating: 14.59)
English The girl that cant win is #1 Lyn has claimed 5th in the overall rankings in the Indy Junior International series. “Getting 5th in a field this strong is both encouraging and reassuring. "Now I know I'm on the right path."” Lyn told the press. With this week's result...
em 2015-01-05 19:54:07 por Azureika - Gostos: 11 | Rating: 18.31)
English Monty Vs Ray Pt.2 & S12 In a well documented, season long battle, the final piece of silverware was awarded to a familiar face as British driver Ray Striver once again carved his name on the bronze trophy after taking third away from good friend Monty Semprini in the penult...
em 2015-01-05 17:21:03 por Adamski - Gostos: 6 | Rating: 9.59)
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