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Suomi Tehty päätös ei kaduta Suomalaiskuski Valtteri Sinisalo siirtyi viime kaudella hieman pieleen menneen F3 Africa Series-sarjan jälkeen täksi kaudeksi Indy Junior USA-sarjaan. Tällä hetkellä Valtteri majailee sarjassa sijalla 15, mutta pari sijaa on mennyt keskeytyksiin. Ker...
em 2015-02-07 17:14:09 por FinnishGuy - Gostos: 6 | Rating: 10.56)
English Meado Green With Envy Over Emerald's Liveries. Drummond Bennett called it. The moment he seen Ritchardo Meado pull up to the paddock sporting another drivers colours and livery, he knew it was too much to let go. Word reached Emerald's camp very shortly after Meado lined up for his private ...
em 2015-02-07 14:02:10 por Emerald - Gostos: 5 | Rating: 8.19)
English Formula E Recently, in My Racing Career, were inaugurated a new series : The Formula E series. We've seen so many interesting races in the real Formula E, the street circuits suit perfectly the Formula E cars. My driver wasn't able to enter this season, but i...
em 2015-02-07 13:29:03 por llamp - Gostos: 2 | Rating: 3.52)
Deutsch Gratulation Glückwunsch zum 1. Sieg
em 2015-02-06 21:07:21 por d187b - Gostos: 0 | Rating: 0.00)
English Crazy Torque Slip Up Again... In what can only be described as a comedy of errors, what was scheduled to be Crazy Torque's Season 13 livery has in fact already launched on account of "Administritive Misadventure". ... Adamski was red in the face after realising the cost...
em 2015-02-06 17:16:15 por Adamski - Gostos: 5 | Rating: 8.90)
English Drummond Rages at copycat Meado There were riotous scenes today at the Thunderdome as Drummond Bennett unexpectedly lashed out at a driver and manager. It has become very common to see Drummond around the paddock in tracks around the globe, either coaching some of the Rage Team,...
em 2015-02-06 07:18:59 por thedonz - Gostos: 9 | Rating: 13.83)
Deutsch Siffert holt sich in Jerez ersten Sieg Das Schweizer Jungtalent, Seppi Siffert (18), konnte im siebten Rennen der Rookie-Serie endlich seine überragenden Qualifikationsresultate bestätigen. Nachdem er bereits in Smolensk und Suzuka die Qualifikation dominiert hatte, startete er auch in Je...
em 2015-02-05 18:15:22 por Blackwatch - Gostos: 4 | Rating: 7.03)
Čeština Beach Cup XXXVI (Surfers Paradise) Tuto sezónu se jel již 36 ročník Beach Cupu. První zastávka byla v Australském Surfers Paradise. Kvalifikaci vyhrál Ital M.Milo před Angličanem R.Headingtonem a Rusem Aleshinem. Hned za nimi skončil český závodník Hugo Baník. Možmá se ptáte jak dopad...
em 2015-02-05 16:08:05 por tom8802 - Gostos: 6 | Rating: 9.33)
Deutsch Interview mit Merkel vor dem F2 Grand Prix in Spa GPE: Angela, das Qualifying ging ja mal gehörig daneben. AM: Ja, das können sie laut sagen. GPE: ANGELA, DAS QUALIFYING GING JA MAL GEHÖRIG DANEBEN. AM: Ich hab ihre Frage schon verstanden, Ehrlich, wir sitzen immer noch über den Daten, um herausz...
em 2015-02-05 10:36:27 por Fixboy - Gostos: 5 | Rating: 7.53)
Română Start la antrenamente în MotoGP! Marc Marquez a fost cel mai rapid la Sepang 30 de piloți s-au aliniat, miercuri, pe circuitul de la Sepang (Malaezia), acolo unde s-au desfășurat primele antrenamente din MotoGP în 2015. Campionul mondial din ultimii doi ani, Marc Marquez (Repsol Honda), a fost cel mai rapid și la prima acț...
em 2015-02-04 18:55:47 por DoRuF1 - Gostos: 0 | Rating: 0.00)
Indonesia First Time Finish in Podium Untuk pertama kalinya Johan Cullun finish di urutan 3 besar di Marathon Cup. Sebuah hal yang sangat menarik setelah menunggu selama 5 musim, sebuah musim yang sangat meyakinkan buat Johan Cullun.
em 2015-02-04 16:20:22 por JohanCullun - Gostos: 0 | Rating: 0.00)
Română Propunere de circuit Logic, nu mi-as fi propus vreodata sa scriu un articol de presa, dar nu vad unde as putea pune propunerea mea. As vrea sa le propun creatorilor jocului sa implementeze circuitul de la Prejmer sub numele de Prejmer Circuit(sau doar Prejmer). https:...
em 2015-02-04 12:30:43 por vladutbercovici - Gostos: 2 | Rating: 0.64)
English In The Bag... Indy Jr International enters it's mid - season Oval series in Canada today and Ray Striver is more than holding his own sitting 4th in the standings with just a wins worth of points separating the top five... Our reporter Mike Raffone was in the C...
em 2015-02-03 22:07:20 por Adamski - Gostos: 10 | Rating: 17.10)
Español Masaryk Circuit Brno - Testeo El recientemente incorporado piloto Ismael de Felipe, debuta en su primera carrera en el circuito de Masaryk Circuit en Brno (Rep. Checa) en una carrera de las Series Rookies programada para las 14:30 del 2 de Febrero. Las primeras vueltas en el c...
em 2015-02-02 10:29:11 por idefelipe - Gostos: 0 | Rating: 0.00)
English Formula 1 Season 12 Manager interview Greetings race fans! It's time for our first Formula 1 press release in S12. Last season we spoke to several key drivers in Formula 1, Indycar and Nascar. Their insight, goals and dreams made for an exciting read. This press release however isn't foc...
em 2015-02-01 22:28:37 por Azureika - Gostos: 21 | Rating: 34.20)
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