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Français BREAKING NEWS - Philippe de Saint-Germain Junior prend la tête du classement mondial On l'attendait tous, c'est enfin chose faite. Philippe de Saint-Germain Jr prend les commandes du classement mondial. Après un début de championnat époustouflant en F1 avec 8 victoires sur 12 courses notre champion français a finalement délogé And...
em 2015-05-11 10:15:04 por JordanF1 - Gostos: 9 | Rating: 15.05)
English Hot Rookie A new rookie coming to raise some cain. 24 Year old Jonathan Watson is the hottest name to come out of the south in a longtime. He ready to win some races and contend for a championship.
em 2015-05-10 22:31:03 por JonathanWatson - Gostos: 1 | Rating: 1.73)
English Alex Skinner Dominates F3 at Okoyama Alex Skinner showed his true pace and DOMINATED both of the F3 races at the Okoyama circuit in Japan. In an interview after both of the races Alex was shown to be shocked and in disbelief towards the events of Okoyama. He also stated: "It ...
em 2015-05-09 17:09:31 por AlexSkinner - Gostos: 3 | Rating: 3.60)
Nederlands Eerste baanrecord voor Kees Staal Tijdens de Nations Cup race op Surfers Paradise had Kees een pitstop gemaakt en dat pakte goed uit. Toen hij op het laatst nog iemand wou inhalen reed Kees de snelste ronde van de race. Toen hij uit de auto kwam ging hij de race bespreken en zag hij ...
em 2015-05-09 10:10:23 por Dionsta02 - Gostos: 2 | Rating: 2.94)
English Inside: HamrHedZ carriage WerkZ I conducted an Interview with HamrHedZ carriage WerkZ main Shareholder ArkAngel. I was interested to see how he would react after Gnojarzowski scored the teams first points in 4 years. Let's get straight into the interview. Inte... After scoring...
em 2015-05-09 09:49:44 por Dobbi - Gostos: 8 | Rating: 13.55)
Čeština Výsledky poháru národů 6. týden - kvalifikace a krátké závody Pardón trošku jsem teď nestíhal takže tentokrát spojíme kvalifikace a první závody ;) . Takže kvalifikace: Libor Charvec druhé místo hned za PSG. Lukin Kadeřábek čtvrté místo. Honza Drápalík dvanácté místo. Břetislav Zatáčka desáté místo. ...
em 2015-05-09 09:28:48 por wandaL - Gostos: 3 | Rating: 5.25)
English A New Winner at Cleveland After 10 races, Wais Vé Kuba finished every sprint race but hasn't finish a single feature race yet. Having taken his first podium at Denver, Wais was going to impress again. Wais qualified 7th at the dry Cleveland Circuit but it was informed that...
em 2015-05-08 22:10:14 por ThatFPM8Guy - Gostos: 3 | Rating: 5.47)
Português, Brasil Da Matta vence a primeira na carreira! Após três temporadas, Helio da Matta conseguiu sua primeira vitória na carreira no Circuito de Biķernieki, em Riga, capital da Letônia. Disputando a F3 Latvian Series, o brasileiro largou na segunda posição (também sua melhor posição de largada), at...
em 2015-05-08 18:50:52 por jeansapia - Gostos: 3 | Rating: 4.79)
Português Votação para mudar as pistas da série de F3 Portuguesa Foi confirmado a pouco que os presidentes das associações nacionais podem propor mudanças para o calendário da sua série regional de F3, isto é no nosso caso para a série portuguesa de F3. Sei que muitos não gostam de ver pistas espanholas na séri...
em 2015-05-08 17:05:22 por blazefp - Gostos: 1 | Rating: 0.18)
Čeština Dvojité vítězství týmu Jordan F1 Ano po několika sezonách se náš formulový tým dokázal dostat na první dvě místa v cíli, my co spíše koukáme tak slavíme, inženýři v čele s midarem a Kazikem mají alkohol zakázaný. Přeci jen další závody brzy následují. Děkujeme za podporu a fanděme...
em 2015-05-08 10:42:25 por FBednar - Gostos: 10 | Rating: 16.74)
Português, Brasil Procura-se piloto brasileiro com menos de 21 anos Pessoal, precisamos de um piloto com menos de 21 anos para representar o nosso país na Copa das Nações, tendo em vista que um de nossos pilotos atuais ultrapassará a idade permitida nos próximos dias e não poderá mais participar. Inter... por ...
em 2015-05-07 19:26:14 por jeansapia - Gostos: 4 | Rating: 4.79)
English A Vote For Change No, not the general election. I am inviting any supporters of Great Britain National Association to cast your eyes to the forum (link below) and have your say on this subject! Do you want to see new tracks in the British F3 series? Then put forwar...
em 2015-05-07 18:57:22 por Adamski - Gostos: 6 | Rating: 8.78)
Čeština Sezóna 14 V tomhle autě jsme se rozhodli závodit příšti sezónu. Víme že to bude v F2 velmi těžké a budeme rádi za každý bod. Oceánie, asi nejhůř obsazena F2 série a právě tam jsme se přihlásili. Prosím vás abyste Tomaszi Przeczkovi Jr. drželi palce. Taky vám...
em 2015-05-07 16:54:25 por tom8802 - Gostos: 3 | Rating: 4.68)
English From Winless to Carrying a Country Upon the announcement of the Nations' Cup, Americans knew Bruce Wayne would be a contender for the USRA A1 team. Looking at his record, it was obvious that his consistency would be helpful to the team. The elephant in the room, however, was that Mr. ...
em 2015-05-07 16:52:22 por nwheel - Gostos: 7 | Rating: 11.68)
English Rookie Drivers Gets Top 10 in First Outing Though it was only a single event at the Indianapolis Oval, and though he'll be the first to admit there was some luck involved, American rookie Lucas Moon managed to finish 9th in his first professional race. What makes it more impressive is his pos...
em 2015-05-06 23:42:05 por WhiteMocha - Gostos: 2 | Rating: 2.86)
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