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Comunicados de Imprensa - Friends Across The Pond

Friends Across The Pond

One of my proudest accomplishments as President of the USRA is passing our rivals there in the UK. Yeah, that 11th place finish to their 14th place finish. That USA who. You know your little brothers in history who whip your butts at everything...including races. OK maybe not soccer/football but we are getting there.

All joking aside, the two countries have had long standing good relations and still do. We love to kid each-other and poke fun of everything. I think this Private Series is going to be a blast. If you have been invited, please join it. Don't miss out on the party. We will bring the tea and throw it in the Atlantic to start things off if you would like. ;-)

em 2016-04-17 22:39:40 por LoyalW
Gostos: 6 | Rating: 9.65
Esta é a reacção ao comunicado de imprensa seguinte:

USA who?

em 2016-04-14 05:32:47 por thedonz - Gostos: 14 | Pontuação: 24.840

Blah blah blah. I'm thinking of phrase involving the words money and mouth..... The UK racing association (GBM) challenges the USRA to a private series showdown, to the winner goes the spoils and to the winning country goes the honour.(yes th...

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