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well set it up..

Talk is cheap action speaks louder then a thumping of the chest... I will race anybody, anytime and anywhere... There is no disgrace in losing you only lose honor when you have no courage to show up.

em 2016-04-16 09:14:37 por TerryWilson
Gostos: 3 | Rating: 5.63
Esta é a reacção ao comunicado de imprensa seguinte:

USA who?

em 2016-04-14 05:32:47 por thedonz - Gostos: 14 | Pontuação: 24.840

Blah blah blah. I'm thinking of phrase involving the words money and mouth..... The UK racing association (GBM) challenges the USRA to a private series showdown, to the winner goes the spoils and to the winning country goes the honour.(yes th...

Reacções a este comunicado de imprensa

UK Vs USA battle begins!

em 2016-04-17 00:43:33 por thedonz - Gostos: 6 | Pontuação: 10.716

My talk is never cheap and nothing is louder than the thumping of my chest. The series is up. Speak to Lee regarding an invite - maybe he will let you take part..... Long live the queen!

Top de Comunicados de Imprensa

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