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Comunicados de Imprensa - Interview with the best driver.

Interview with the best driver.

[I]Michael Romanovich Novikov

Congratulation for winning the F2 world series, how do you feel?

Well, what I should say? I'm happy! Actually, when I started playing MRC, my main aim was to win the first season. And I was close, but I've made stupid mistakes and tech randoms in the 2nd half of the first season...
So, I had to push in the second season.

You won the championship with a good lead, can you summarize the season?

Yes, but I didn't expect this. More than 15 drivers of F2 WS are the most equal.
There were about 18 pilots in one second in quals. Very close and very interesting.
At the begining of the season I tried to find the ballance, and I did it.
After that, I just wanted to avoid unnecessary risks. A little a bit luck, and I'm on top.)

You are first in the F2 series, the first in overall assessment, what
are your tips for success?

The answer is in previous question. And fortune is on my side ofcource...

So, what are your plans to the future?

Now I'm trying to make a decision. I don't know in what serie I will start the next season. Now I'm in Indy, but I'm not sure with that choice.

What is your advice to younger drivers?

If you want to achieve something, you've got to work a lot.

Thank you and good luck.[/I]

em 2013-02-10 20:34:44 por deka96
Gostos: 18 | Rating: 22.06

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