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INFOBlogWarunki UsługiPolityka Prywatności
中文 新春杯大结局+国家杯战报 新春杯昨夜在上赛迎来了最终的正赛。在瓢泼大雨中,强明明凭借稳定的表现,拿下新春杯首个大满贯胜利(杆位、最快圈、领跑每一圈),同... 最终总积分榜如下: 名次 赛车手 PTS 1 M. Qiang 90 2 J. Sun 81 3 L. Zhao 79 4 斐. 盛 52 5 D. Chen 52 ...
2025-02-24 02:04:25 przez ysfyzy - Lubią: 7 | Ocena: 3.78)
Nederlands Teampresentatie WRT Spyker WRT spyker heeft de F1 auto voor seizoen 60 gepresenteerd.de frisse wit/oranje livery viel op. dit in combinatie met de nieuwe sponsoren: ING en Bolletje.Verder waren ook een aantal deelnemers uit andere klasse in de spyker kleuren aanwezig. en natuu...
2025-02-23 17:16:55 przez Pollie - Lubią: 4 | Ocena: 5.85)
Español La nueva generación de pilotos empieza su primera temporada Esta última semana, una gran cantidad de nuevas promesas ha llegado a MRC, para intentar progresar en su nuevo futuro como pilotos. Gracias a nuestro amigo y compañero Wiebe, una nueva comunidad hispanohablantes de pilotos ha llegado a MRC, y a parti...
2025-02-23 15:27:57 przez SeralR - Lubią: 7 | Ocena: 4.78)
English Red Bull´s New F1 Era Begins – MyRacingCareer Season 60 Starts Tomorrow! A New Era Begins – MyRacingCareer Season 60 Starts Tomorrow! The wait is over – MyracingCareer Formula 1 Season 60 kicks off tomorrow, marking the start of a brand-new era in the sport! With new regulations forcing all teams to develop completely ...
2025-02-23 11:09:52 przez Sir_ErikSalama - Lubią: 5 | Ocena: 5.59)
English Ms. International (Seattle, WA) Ashely Hardy is taking her talents internationally. She and the "World Warriors", her diverse pit crew, are part of the Formula 4 International Series. This series will take Ms. Hardy to; South America, Africa, Asia, and ...
2025-02-22 18:44:54 przez JamesDAngelo - Lubią: 2 | Ocena: 1.84)
English Calling All Red Bull Racing Fans! Calling All Red Bull Racing Fans! We need YOUR support to help Red Bull stay on top in the future! By giving voting points to Red Bull Racing in MyRacingCareer, you help us convert those votes into funding, ensuring we can continue to develop the ...
2025-02-22 13:40:18 przez Sir_ErikSalama - Lubią: 2 | Ocena: 1.96)
中文 新春杯战报+最后一轮前瞻 (刚才排版时不小心按到了发布,上一篇没打完) 昨夜进行了新春杯倒数第二轮珠海站的正赛。 孙坚凭借出色的起步以及在第13圈的关键超越,拿下珠海站正赛冠军,赵丽颖杆位出发拿下第二,由于强明明本站排位赛表现糟糕,第8起步... 目前积分榜如下,本周末最后一轮上海站风云变幻,正赛预计将有大雨,谁能在雨中又快又稳,将上海站冠军以及最终的总冠军收入囊中呢?请... 名次 赛车手 PTS 1 J. Sun 69 2 ...
2025-02-22 00:40:07 przez ysfyzy - Lubią: 6 | Ocena: 2.77)
中文 恭喜国家杯三场拿分!新春杯战报+最后一轮前瞻 首先恭喜辰东、孙坚、盛斐斐在刚刚结束的国家杯赛事中拿到积分!辰东在先进行的U25级别比赛中,不畏强敌,19起步17完赛,为国区... 昨夜也进行了新春杯倒数第二轮珠海站的正赛。 孙坚凭借出色的起步以及在第13
2025-02-22 00:31:32 przez ysfyzy - Lubią: 6 | Ocena: 2.77)
English BREAKING: Red Bull Racing Unveils Stunning New Livery for MyRacingCareer F1 Season 60! BREAKING: Red Bull Racing Unveils Stunning New Livery for MyRacingCareer F1 Season 60! The wait is over! Red Bull Racing has officially revealed their striking new livery for the upcoming MyracingCareer Formula 1 Season 60, and it's a masterpiece ...
2025-02-21 12:52:51 przez Sir_ErikSalama - Lubią: 6 | Ocena: 6.46)
English New Manager's Guide - Get the most out of your Drivers - Feedback Wanted Direct Link to guide:Direct Link to Guide Hi all, I have been working on a guide for new managers. This guide has been put together after speaking with other drivers already involved with F1 Teams and then putting that information together in one pl...
2025-02-20 16:38:16 przez DanielParr - Lubią: 9 | Ocena: 10.93)
中文 国区俱乐部成立!新春杯最后两轮前瞻+国家杯首次排位赛战报 国区俱乐部泥潭飙车区(老司机)成立啦!欢迎各位国区玩家加入!在赛车俱乐部页面拉到最底下就能看的唯一中文名的俱乐部了! 首先感谢 OwlRavenYuu 大佬贡献的国区赛车协会战车涂装以及协会LOGO。万分感谢!!!! 首届新春杯已经进入最后两轮的比赛了,杯赛总冠军的竞争也日趋白热化。 目前积分榜如下 名次 赛车手 PTS 1 M. Qiang 58 2 J. Sun 44 3...
2025-02-20 02:27:30 przez ysfyzy - Lubią: 10 | Ocena: 6.62)
English BREAKING NEWS: RED BULL RACING UNLEASHES A CHAMPION-POWERED LINEUP FOR MYRACINGCAREER F1 SEASON 60! [URL=https://...][url=https://ibb.co/jPj1ZCRz] BREAKING NEWS: RED BULL RACING UNLEASHES A CHAMPION-POWERED LINEUP FOR MYRACINGCAREER F1 SEASON 60! Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines because Red Bull Racing is ready to shake up the MyRacin...
2025-02-19 10:10:38 przez Sir_ErikSalama - Lubią: 3 | Ocena: 2.62)
中文 国区车手协会成立啦!另外国家杯急需各路大手子报名参加,诚征国家杯战车外观 在各位国区大手子的帮助下,国区终于成立了车手协会,开放了每周的国家杯赛事。 每周1-3会安排本周赛事出场车手,U21/U25/全年龄各有2场,每场安排1个不同车手,目前国区基本都是U18车手,所以U25... Motorsport Association”这个帖子内回复报名。 注:本周由于协会成立的时候已经周三了所以先直接安排好了,下周的赛事等新赛季赛程出来了我会贴在国区论坛内,到时候请大家踊跃报名。 另,诚征PS大手子提供国家杯战车外观,有意QQ或者游戏内私信我都可 有想要成为秘书长的活跃玩...
2025-02-19 03:14:13 przez ysfyzy - Lubią: 9 | Ocena: 5.50)
Italiano Cambiamento di Serie per l'ultima parte di carriera di Minì! [url=https://ibb.co/9HHHQxF8] Rieccoci tornati a parlare di lui...Gabriele Minì, che a quasi 40 anni (in MRC!) a sorpresa ci ha comunicato dopo questa 59^ Stagione di voler cambiare completamente Serie automobilistica per la successiva. Sentiamolo...
2025-02-18 15:53:46 przez RossanoArtuso - Lubią: 8 | Ocena: 12.89)
Indonesia Ryan Manggala steps up into F3 International Series Ryan Manggala, the rising Indonesian talent who previously competed in the Formula 4 British Series, is set to take the next big step in his racing career. Following an impressive season, capped off with a victory in the final race of the F4 British ...
2025-02-17 12:01:21 przez davisaurelio - Lubią: 3 | Ocena: 3.59)
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