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INFOBlogWarunki UsługiPolityka Prywatności
Slovenščina Sporočila za javnost Vse slovenske managerje bi rad opozoril, na nagrado za najboljše sporočilo za javnost, ki jo My Racing Career podeljuje vsakih 14 dni. Zmagovalec z najboljšim sporočilom za javnost prejme 50 kovancev. Nagrada se podel...
2025-03-03 13:31:54 przez torbar4life - Lubią: 6 | Ocena: 9.57)
English Porsche Racing: Coins for Voting Points Another year has come and gone, and now it’s time to reward our fans for their support. Here is the list of all voting points donations we received for season 59: - DickDastardly ............ 1500 * - Sir_ErikSalama ....... coins) - JoeyParker ...
2025-03-03 13:04:40 przez Clunker - Lubią: 16 | Ocena: 25.57)
English GERMAIN CONQUERS THE CHAOS TO WIN FOR RED BULL IN SHANGHAI! GERMAIN CONQUERS THE CHAOS TO WIN IN SHANGHAI! What. A. Race. In a thrilling mixed-weather showdown at the Shanghai Grand Prix, Germain delivers a heroic drive to take the victory for Red Bull Racing! With rain coming and going, strategy was ev...
2025-03-03 11:07:53 przez Sir_ErikSalama - Lubią: 1 | Ocena: 0.00)
中文 S60国家杯第一周正赛战报(首次六车都拿分!) 在今天凌晨结束的国家杯第一周正赛中,6名出战的车手均斩获积分,让我们为这6位车手热烈鼓掌欢呼!!!! U21组别中,朱某人一扫第一场正赛退赛的阴霾,18位起步,凭借出色正赛表现11名完赛。小kimi则是在退役之战中稳扎稳打,在两... U25组别中,孙坚凭借第一回合的第9名,根据倒序发车第二起步,但可能由于高位起步过于紧张兴奋,在比赛中遭遇两次事故,最终遗憾1... 全年龄组中,强明明和盛斐斐深谙只要退的够多就有分的道理,两位退役“老将”均以第25起步,第20完赛,取得了国区在全年龄组别中的.....
2025-03-03 06:58:21 przez ysfyzy - Lubią: 9 | Ocena: 5.96)
English Jerry Townsend first career CanMex Series Win News: First career win in the NASC CanMex Series for Jerry Townsend at the Canadian Tire Motorsport Park
2025-03-03 02:52:01 przez CaptainUnderpants255 - Lubią: 2 | Ocena: 1.17)
English FRONT ROW LOCKOUT FOR RED BULL IN SHANGHAI! FRONT ROW LOCKOUT FOR RED BULL IN SHANGHAI! Red Bull Racing dominates qualifying in China! Germain and Campolargo locked out the front row at the Shanghai International Circuit, proving once again that we mean business this season! With blister...
2025-03-02 08:22:26 przez Sir_ErikSalama - Lubią: 3 | Ocena: 3.93)
English Red Bull In China Shop - Ready For Shanghai Red Bull In China Shop - Ready For Shanghai Red Bull is ready to continue their winning ways in the upcoming GP in Shanghai China. We have the fastest car, we have the best managers driving for us and the weekend´s weather conditions suit to us pe...
2025-03-01 13:34:05 przez Sir_ErikSalama - Lubią: 4 | Ocena: 3.93)
English Rodger Green Debut BobPG's next talent from the Green family is Rodger. He managed to secure a seat in polish F4 racing for WRT Spyker and is already looking to be a solid midfield driver. With help from Robbiemanta, Rodger Green is certainly one to look for in the fut...
2025-02-28 23:20:35 przez BobPG - Lubią: 3 | Ocena: 2.66)
English This week in La Familia Pegaso: Wk 1 Escuderia Pegaso scored 14 points at the Australian Grand Prix to leave the Land Down Under third in the Formula 1 constructors championship standings behind Red Bull and Porsche, and three points ahead of Ferrari. Canadian Howard Dewitt had a sixth ...
2025-02-28 21:52:42 przez chzbrgr - Lubią: 11 | Ocena: 18.33)
中文 快来报名 国区选手一起来
2025-02-28 10:53:57 przez deleted127352 - Lubią: 7 | Ocena: 3.99)
中文 第一届中国冠军赛开始报名啦! 感谢 bzbc69 大佬的出资举办,欢迎各位国区老司机参加 参与方式:系列赛页面-私人系列赛-China Championship S1,点击报名即可 将于3月3日晚上8点报名截止并开赛,一共10站,每站分为排位赛以及两场正赛,其中第二场正赛将采用前10倒序发车的赛制,为比赛增... 总积分榜的前4名将分别获得4/3/2/1枚金币。 报名费为1枚金币。 注:如果有新司机没有金币的,可以去旧版UI界面做新手任务,完成新手任务后去挑战页面可以领取新手任务奖励,新手任务一共有12枚金...
2025-02-28 08:56:55 przez ysfyzy - Lubią: 6 | Ocena: 3.53)
English CAMPOLAGO WINS THE MELBOURNE GRAND PRIX FOR RED BULL! CAMPOLAGO WINS THE MELBOURNE GRAND PRIX FOR RED BULL! What a way to kick off Season 60! Campolago delivers a masterclass on the streets of Melbourne, converting pole position into a dominant victory for Red Bull Racing! From the moment the ligh...
2025-02-27 18:41:22 przez Sir_ErikSalama - Lubią: 3 | Ocena: 3.93)
English CAMPOLAGO TAKES POLE FOR RED BULL IN MELBOURNE! CAMPOLAGO TAKES POLE FOR RED BULL IN MELBOURNE! What a way to start Season 60! Red Bull Racing is flying high as Campolago delivers a stunning lap to secure pole position for the season-opening Melbourne Grand Prix! Meanwhile, Germain put in a ...
2025-02-27 11:14:45 przez Sir_ErikSalama - Lubią: 3 | Ocena: 3.93)
Deutsch new season, new driver Werner Guder is continuing this season as the first driver and is trying to keep up in the Euro Formula 3 Open series. Andre Wendler has joined as the second driver and is trying his hand at the rookie series.
2025-02-27 11:13:21 przez AndréKoitsch - Lubią: 1 | Ocena: 0.00)
中文 S60第一周国家杯排位战报 欢迎各位老司机来到第60赛季! 昨夜今晨进行了第一周的国家杯排位赛,国区车手们在6场比赛均赛出了自己的风采。 U21组别中,朱某人在著名的萨尔特赛道(勒芒24小时的赛道)取得第10名,刷新了国区最佳排位赛战绩!让我们期待朱某人在正赛中再... 另一场U21组别中,小KIMI第18。 U25组别中,孙坚第18,朱重八第21。 全年龄组中,两位退役车手强明明和盛斐斐分列24/25。
2025-02-27 03:44:43 przez ysfyzy - Lubią: 5 | Ocena: 2.86)
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