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Informacje prasowe - The Vikings are coming!!!!!

The Vikings are coming!!!!!

And they are on tour
Invitational series primary for primal instinct Vikings but others are welcome to apply by PM.
But you need to be able to argue your case hard.
Do you have Viking blood in your vanes?,Are you a Berzerker,Do you live in Vinland or perhaps love the smell of mead in the morning? 40 spots available 32 reserved to Sweden,Finland,Denmark and Norway. 26 invitations has been sent so there are 14 possible bastard seats up for grab.
Do you dare to send poster a PM? you might be racing, you might beheaded :)

2019-09-21 00:15:43 przez HåkanFerm
Lubią: 7 | Ocena: 11.19

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